Falling Down

No my friends, the title of this post is not a metaphor for anything.

Gina fell down, went boom.

I was leaving the screening interview for Special Education services for my daughter.  Instead of taking us all the way around to the front of the campus, they had us go to a sidewalk where you had to walk down a grassy embankment to reach the sidewalk that actually leads to the parking lot.

And, my daughter, as she is often wont to do, was throwing a tantrum because she didn't want to leave.  Her ability to deal with transitions is becoming markedly poorer, and she had thrown herself down on the concrete.

Hubba-hubba had already walked pretty much all the way down the embankment, and she started screaming my name.  So, not wanting to disrupt any of the classes going on, I picked her up and began my descent.

You see where this is going, don't you?

Yes, because I was carrying a three year old, I didn't have much of a view of where I was stepping, and promptly sashayed right into what I now assume was a gopher hole.  Damn gophers.  My ankle went sideways, I screamed, and the next thing I know, I'm face down on the grass.

Anyhoo, according to Hubba-hubba, I did a fairly admirable tuck-and-roll, taking all of the weight of the fall on my opposite shoulder and hip, thus protecting my precious (still screeching) offspring.

Being 41 years old and a lot less spry than I used to be, I stayed on the grass for a good five minutes, gasping in pain and groaning about my ankle, which did not feel good.

I can only imagine what any children who saw me at that point must have thought.  "Teacher, why is that lady taking a nap on the grass?"

Eventually I managed to get up and hobble to the car.

When my husband started the car, I told him that I am so happy that I am now at a point in my life where I don't even care that I fell down and looked like a complete idiot.  In my twenties, I would have obsessed about the fall for days, wondering who saw me and what they thought about me.

Now? I could care less.  I had a pretty good laugh about it, actually.

I mean, on the stupid scale of events in my life, that fall barely even counts.

I guess that's good?

Wait, no.

I think that's bad.


Awesome Mom said…
I hope your ankle is ok.
marvel said…
Once while out jogging in a college neighborhood I stepped off the sidewalk to maintain my pace but avoid the two college guys standing on the walk throwing a baseball back and forth. I caught my toe on a utility access hidden in the grass and fell flat on my nose. Politely, they did not laugh, but asked if I was hurt. I replied, "Only my pride, thanks," and ran away ASAP. I so totally understand! And hope you're okay.
Gina said…
Ah yeah, my ankle was fine. I took some Advil at night and could walk the next day.

And marvel, so happy to see you here, my friend! As you'll see, the tone of this blog is much different than the ones for Manolo, but I think it's acutally better. ;)
Anvilcloud said…
I'm happy for you that it didn't turn out to be as serious as it first sounded.
marvel said…
Glinda/Gina, I want you to know that for 7 years I have resisted the call of Google accounts. But for you and Ms. Gammill, I have given in and registered. (Shhhhh. Mostly for you!)
Gina said…
Awwwww marvel, I love you too! I feel like I should give you a ring or something, with that type of commitment! ;)
Ted said…
I took a tumble, too. But it was on my bike. I did a tuck and roll and, like you, took most of the fall on my shoulder and hip. Just sore for a few days...no broken bones. But I have to admit to looking around to see if anyone saw me wipe out. Fortunately, no one was around.
Ted said…
I took a tumble, too. But it was on my bike. I did a tuck and roll and, like you, took most of the fall on my shoulder and hip. Just sore for a few days...no broken bones. But I have to admit to looking around to see if anyone saw me wipe out. Fortunately, no one was around.

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