Mickey's Halloween Par-tay

You know, one of the few perks of being a blogger is the fact that sometimes, you get some fantastic swag, and even though many people wouldn't necessarily consider tickets to Disneyland swag, I do. I'd take an experience at Disneyland over cereal or detergent samples any day, even if I got free cereal or detergent every month. I was lucky enough to be invited to Mickey's Halloween Party , this year happening at Disneyland proper rather than California Adventure, where it has been held for the past few years. Being the traditionalist that I am, I was very happy to be at Disneyland. One of my very favorite rides at this time of year is of course the Haunted Mansion, all done up Jack Skellington style. Seriously, I could go on that ride ten times in a row and not get tired of it, or probably see everything. I'm sure you're thinking, but is there candy? Why yes, Virginia, there is candy! Good candy, too. Throughout the park they have trick or treating "trails...