You've Got Voicemail

So I recently got a new cell phone, and with it, a new number. Well, new to me, anyway.

However, it seems as if the person who possessed the number before me got rid of it because she was getting chased by so many creditors/old boyfriends/holistic health colleges and the like that she chose to move on.

And lucky me was the next recipient.

When I first got the phone, I would get about ten or fifteen calls and texts a day, all to "Stephanie."

I never answered the phone, because I hadn't even given the number out to anyone yet, and I knew it wasn't for me.

The calls and texts have somewhat tapered off, but yesterday someone from a place that sounded suspiciously like Stephanie's place of employment called and left a message.

That's when I decided to change the voicemail on the phone from the standard computerized message to a personalized one. And it goes a little bit like this:

Hi, you've reached a phone number that is no longer Stephanie's. Stephanie changed her phone number and apparently never bothered to tell you. So if you would please take this number off your list for Stephanie, I would appreciate it.

And so goes example 542 of why I am a complete bitch.


Awesome Mom said…
I would so do the same thing. I hate my current phone number because it is similar to Office Max and it also used to be the number for a bar so we get all kinds of calls that are not even remotely for us.
Suzanne said…
Makes me want to call your cellphone myself just so I could hear it. Go Gina!
Autumn's Mom said…
HA! Reason #542 why i HEART you. I've experienced the same thing.
J said…
I'm thrilled to say I have never had this problem. I don't think anything you said in your message is bitchy at all, though. Though if Stephanie is such a flake, I'll bet some of those folks might think she's just trying to avoid them. I might ask for a new number if I were you.
gina said…
We had the same problem with our home number. Tasha Smith left a long and ridiculous trail. I think your message is fabulous!
Anvilcloud said…
I hope these phoney (unintentional pun, but I like it) calls are not costing you. I know one guy who kept getting called long distance and it was costing him. Drove him crazy.
Ted said…
I don't think your greeting was bitchy at all...
Anonymous said…
I totally would have done the same.

Hell, I might even put that message on my own number. Then people will stop calling me.
heh, THAT is not bitchy.

What I would have said would have been bitchy. And probably illegal in most countries.

Hope the calls have stopped now.

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