Bono Hates Me

U2 is one of my all-time favorite bands.

My BIL, you should know, is six feet, three inches tall.

The last time I saw U2, it was the nineties. The Popmart tour, I believe. I'd seen the ZooTV tour as well, but little did I know it would be almost fifteen years until I would see them again.

I don't remember why I couldn't see them in 2001, and in 2006 we had scheduled a trip to San Francisco on the exact same weekend they were here. U2 was also here last October, but that was a mere seven days before I was due to give birth, so we didn't think it was really wise to buy tickets.

So of course I find out today that due to Bono's back surgery (sorry, Bono!)they have canceled the American leg of their tour.

Because apparently, the universe just does not want me to see U2.

My sister tried to console me. She said that she would set up her big, fifteen by fifteen foot outdoor screen in the back yard. She would rent a U2 concert DVD and play it for me. She would also charge me obscene amounts of money for food and drinks, and would hang an "Out of Order" sign on the bathroom door. For that real concert-type feel.

I expressed gratitude at her concern, and told her there was only one way she could make it the most authentic experience possible.

My BIL would have to stand in front of me the entire time.


Ted said…
I got a press release from Live Nation at work that said they were postponing certain dates of the tour -- which affects L.A. and Oakland. So, you might get your wish and be able to see them at a later date.
Melodee said…
We have tickets to the Seattle show . . . so I guess we hope we can see it in 2011? They're supposed to reschedule?

Hope you're well! Glad to see you still blogging!

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