
I'm realizing that we are supposed to be packed and moved out of this place by January 8.

Have we packed anything?

The short answer would be no.

I could go on and on about how I hardly get any sleep and I have a 5 week old and I am 38 for chrissakes, not some spring chicken...


My ass is so gonna be grass come January 7 or so.


Anvilcloud said…
I think you need to beg or hire some help. :) ]

Best of luck.
Awesome Mom said…
Just leave it and buy new stuff.
J said…
I agree with both above. One or the other, or a combination of both, should take care of it.

Really though, you might be able to hire a teen or two if you know any...they always need money for gas and such.
Autumn's Mom said…
Moving blows! Pull the blanket back over your head and maybe it will just go away. haha xoxo
Cherry said…
I always have such high hopes for myself with each move that THIS move will be different. I'll be prepared. I'll start purging months in advance. And yet, it never happens.

Good luck to you!
We're moving in a few months and we've known it was coming and I have had plans to purge a closet a weekend and then to hit the attic. My husband did his closet..... and then he shoved a ton of crap into another. Sigh.
Heidi said…
Your stuff is going to be on the grass too if you don't get a move on! Good luck.
Eunice Burns said…
I've been right where you are and I was able to pull off moving with a kindergartener, a pre-schooler and an 8-month old. IT CAN BE DONE!! YOU CAN DO IT!
J said…
So here it is, January 26th, and we haven't heard a word. Did you move? Did you survive? Are you loving your new place?

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