Friday Poll

Do you use Chapstick, Blistex, Vaseline, or something else to moisten your lips?


I was totally going to say something crude, but I will be honest and say, nothing. I hardly ever wear anything but a smudge of lipstick.
Gina said…
You know, I think I am a total freak because I am constantly putting moisturizer on my lips!
dgm said…
Awesome Mom said…
Only if I am particularly dehydrated. Most of the time I don't use anything.
Ortizzle said…
Carmex. It's supposed to be for cold sores, but it doubles as lip gloss.
J said…
Vaseline if I'm near the container in the bathroom, chapstick is in my purse. I like carmex as well.
dr sardonicus said…
Er, OK then...
Melodee said…
Always. I have tubes in nearly every room and in a variety of purses. I cannot be without it.
Patois42 said…
Shea Butter Vanilla lip balm made by Mode de Vie. I tried some my sister had about two years ago. She has kept me fully supplied ever since. (Thank God for rich sisters who love us!)

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