Friday Poll

Things are rolling along, next week is Mr. P's last week of school. Lots of things to do and seemingly not enough time to do them.

How do you sleep? Your stomach, back, side? Combination of all three?


Scout said…
I've discovered that if I sleep on my back with my head tilted to the left, I snore—so I sleep with my head tilted to the right, or I sleep on my right side all together.
... Paige said…
I do the half side/stomache thing, but usually wake up flat on my back.

How are you feeling, besides your new obession with math?
Liz said…
Usually on my right side.
Anvilcloud said…
I'm a side sleeper with some leaning toward the tummy sometimes.
dgm said…
I prefer to back-sleep but sometimes I end up on my side. I hate stomach sleeping because I always sleep really heavily and wake up with puffy face, and my neck always hurts in the morning. I contend that when you see people in the morning and they look like they just woke up, it's because they are stomach sleepers.
Awesome Mom said…
I used to be a stomach sleeper until I got pregnant. Now I sleep on my left side. If I turn onto my right side I run the risk of my husband turning over and breathing into my face which bothers me to no end.
J said…
Oh, this is a sore subject for me! I love to sleep on my stomach, but if I do, I have pains in my lower back. Ugh. So I bitterly sleep on my side, with a stupid pillow between my knees, which I hate. I cannot sleep on my back.

And dgm is right. I totally look puffy if I've been sleeping on my stomach. It's worth it, though.

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