Music Monday

Well folks, I have to admit that things could be better. Much better.

Hubbba-hubba and I are grappling with some news from the doctor about this pregnancy, and only time is going to tell what happens.

So, one of my favorite songs to be depressed to is this one. Don't ask my why, there's just something about it that makes me cry. And the tears, they are coming a bit too easily lately.


Autumn's Mom said…
Sigh. I'm sending you a very warm hug. I'm here for you always. xoxo
Maternal Mirth said…
All I got are *hugs*...
chichimama said…
Very, very big hugs.
Steph said…
More hugs coming your way...
Awesome Mom said…
I hope that things turn out to be not as bad as they seem.
Piece of Work said…
Oh Gina! I'm so sorry, but hoping things will improve./
Suzanne said…
So sorry to hear this. I hope that everything will be okay.
dr sardonicus said…
I pray things will turn out well. You are in my thoughts tonight.

Anvilcloud said…
Aw Gina, I hope you're okay. Hugs.
Ortizzle said…
Hang in there, Gina. More hugs.
J said…
Oh Crap, Gina! I so hope everything turns out OK. :(
Heather Plett said…
My thoughts are with you.
Patois42 said…
Praying for you and yours.
Chris said…
Oh Gina, lots more hugs and prayers. Think positive!

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