Music Monday

Crikey! It's 10am or so, and still no Music Monday post! I know that your life just simply cannot continue without it, so I'll hurry and put one up.

Well, I have to admit that today, I was played. Mr. P ate his normal breakfast, brushed his teeth, and then started hyperventilating that he felt like he was going to throw up. So, we had him sit on his little chair in front of the toilet, with him gasping and wailing (because like his mama, he hates throwing up) for a good five minutes. Nothing happened, so we had him get out of the bathroom, where he kept insisting that something was going to happen.

And of course, we had less than ten minutes before he was supposed to be off to school, but with him not even dressed. "There's something in my throat! It feels like it's going to come up!" Well, he didn't have a fever and Hubba-hubba said he could just go to school and throw up there. Then I thought about the whole swine flu thing, and thought about how the school would probably panic if that happened. Then he screeched and rushed off to the bathroom again, commencing with a choking/coughing/wailing combo that I've never heard before. It was fairly alarming.

So, with only two minutes left until we were supposed to leave for school, Hubba-hubba and I made the decision to keep him at home. Note what I just said Hubba-hubba and I. I had already called the school's absence hotline when Mr. P came strolling out of the bathroom. Oh, I feel a lot better, he said. I still might throw up, you know, but I feel better for right now.

And as we are watching him laugh away at cartoons, Hubba-hubba tells me, "I think you got shazam'ed." Er, excuse me? I got "shazam'ed"? Like you were nowhere in the room when the decision was made?

I thought I was the one who was the avoider of responsibility. Where is he learning this stuff?

So, needless to say, I will be keeping close tabs on Mr. P today.

I've got the perfect song...


Autumn's Mom said…
LOL Great song choice. If he were older I'd have taken him to school late!~ Autumn used to do this with her Papa, but she could actually work herself up to puking. Brat.
Liz said…
I love The Police! I saw them many a time live and they are downright awesome.
dr sardonicus said…
The stalker song doesn't make my Police Top 10. I liked them well enough back in the day, but they haven't aged well with me. Saw them in Kansas City in '81 and wasn't impressed. Maybe it was just the wrong night.
J said…
I saw the Police on their final tour in '83, and they ROCKED! Saw them again last year, and they looked like they didn't want to be there. As the dr. said, this is a stalker song, but still, it brings back memories of that stadium full of people singing along to every word...

Regarding Mr. P., I have trouble with that, when I know Maya's well enough to go to school, but then again, what if she isn't....ugh.
Maternal Mirth said…
I just introduced my 11YO to The Police ... this is our 2nd favorite song :o)
Heidi said…
My husband would have said the same thing "let him throw up as school" LOL!

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