That is a fitting name for this post, as the winds outside our house right now are blowing at speeds that have been clocked at 85 mph, which is technically hurricane-force. The wind truly sounds like a freight train. I have never experienced such a ferocious wind storm, and we get them every year around this time. Oy. If you've checked the news, you've heard about the Malibu fire, but seriously, when doesn't Malibu burn? Every frickin year they have a fire, it just goes with the territory of being remote and having heavy brush, combined with no irrigation and a canyon. It's just a volatile mix. Meanwhile, in the very canyon in which my house is located (the Fremont Canyon) we are in the thick of those winds clocked at hurricane speed, and it is just crazy, people. There are trees being uprooted everywhere, as well as something that just hit my roof. I'm not kidding. We have seen at least two transformers blow out, kind of pretty, actually that huge blue glow ...
I, on occasion, can hold in a sneeze. But in the height of allergy season, I am incapable. I have to sneeze 20 at a time, full force. They must come out, unless I want to lose brain cells.
And yay for a girl! Girls are awesome!
Congrats on the girl news! Think pink! :)
Congrats on a girl! You will have to tell me your secret. There has to be some sort of trick to it because I can't seem to have a girl. lol!
I can hold in my sneeze but many times when I do that my ears get clogged. It's been pretty bad for the past few weeks (allergies) and if I am home I rarely hold them in. If I am out especially around folks I sort of muffle it.
Here's to a healthy baby
Nope, can't hold in my sneezes.
I made that up 'cause I felt like it. And, yeah, I can hold in my sneezes.
Sneezes: I only stifle them if I am in a situation where a loud sneeze would not be appropriate.
Ever had to sneeze when you had a mouth full of food and it was too late to control it?!!!
Also: did you know that it is supposed to be impossible not to close your eyes (albeit for a nanosecond) when you sneeze?
---End of odd sneezing facts---