Friday Poll

Favorite ethnic food? (i.e. Indian, Mexican, German)


Jess T said…
Awesome Mom said…
Liz said…
I'm not sure I can pick just one but I'll narrow it down to two. Italian and Korean (although I love German and Mexican food too).
Patois42 said…
I can't pick. I can't. I LOVE Mexican, but I LOVE Thai. And I LOVE Chinese. But only real Mexican or Thai or Chinese, not the American crud.
J said…
Italian, Mexican, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Burmese, Greek, Ethiopian, French (does French count? If Italian does, French should, right?), Vietnamese....oh, wait...was that a vote for one and one only? Hmmm. Probably Italian, but it's hard to choose really. I'm a big fan of the pasta though.

Not a big fan of Russian, German, or British cuisines. At least, not from what I've had.
Ortizzle said…
I agree with Patois. I can't pick, either, but... it has to be authentic. No Taco Bell for me (my husband is Mexican, I have learned to make a lot of stuff, so I am even pickier when it comes to south of the border ethnic.)
... Paige said…
Eunice Burns said…

Apathy Lounge
Steph said…
Cuban is my favorite, with a tie between Italian and Mexican close behind. :)
Jules said…
Cherry said…
Can I just say Asian?
I can't pick between Thai, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

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