Friday Poll

Not to brag or anything, but I have this very strange and unmarketable ability to tell myself what time I need to wake up, and bam, I'm up within three or four minutes of that time. Weird. Maybe I can get a book deal. Maybe that can be my blogging "hook" because the trend I've noticed is that all the popular bloggers have a very specific "hook." I'll call myself Wide Awake Mom or Alarm Clock Free Mom.

Hmmmm, maybe that concept needs a little more work.

Do you need an alarm clock, or do you just wake up when you need to?


Autumn's Mom said…
I used to be very in tune to my inner clock. These days I rely on my cell phone for everything including waking me up. Have a great weekend, G!
Maternal Mirth said…
SOMETIMES my inner clock works, sometimes not so much. So I use an alarm as a precaution.

Alarm = Cell Phone
Awesome Mom said…
I am pretty good at waking myself up when needed but I still use an alarm clock as a back up. Not that I really need to use it very often any more, my kids are a great yet annoying alarm clock.
J said…
I can wake up on my own if I need to, but we have an alarm clock for the other two in the house. ;)
Anvilcloud said…
Most of the time I do not need an alarm clock to wake up earlier than I'd like.
Ortizzle said…
I usually wake up a minute or two before my alarm clock goes off. But I have definitely overslept on the rare occasion when... I forgot to set the alarm clock. Murphy's Law. :-)
dr sardonicus said…
I generally don't need an alarm clock. Hate the damn things. Back in the day my dogs were my alarm clock.

Besides, who needs a hook?
Sue said…
I can tell myself what time to wake up, and it works to within a couple of minutes, too. If I MUST be up early, I set my mobile phone alarm too.. usually wake up a minute or two before it rings.

All that is true in the winter months.

However, from the start of April until the end of October, one of our cats wakes me at least half an hour before I want to get up. She seems to think that when daylight appears, it's her bounden duty to get me out of bed. She starts with meows, then patting my head, then patting my head with a little claw, then if that fails, she starts knocking things off my bedside table.
Patois42 said…
WAM for short. Well, WAM, I've not your skill at all. That said, I trick myself at beating the alarm clock by setting the furnace to start 15 minutes before the alarm goes off. Thus, I am waking up just as the alarm is going off. Doesn't work in the summer, of course.
Cherry said…
I'm way late... but hey, I haven't really read the blogs for over a month so not too bad eh? Perhaps I need an alarm for blog reading!

I'm an alarm user for back-up reasons. I tend to wake with the sun, so in the winter the alarm is a must. And right now, I'm really burned out so I am tending to snooze a lot more then usual. So even if I wake up naturally and ready to go, I'll lay around and fall back to sleep so I need the alarm not to be late.

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