Friday Poll

I am finding that I have to drink milk. As in, glasses of straight-up milk.

Except, I don't like milk shots. So, I have to flavor it with something, and the current choice is Ovaltine, which actually tastes pretty good and has more nutrients than I thought.

I find that people fall into one of two camps: they can't stand drinking plain milk, or they think it's the most refreshing thing evah.

Which camp do you belong to?


Autumn's Mom said…
When I was a kid, I drank milk with everything. and then I became lactose intolerant. The only time I ever have any is when there is an oreo or chocolate chip cookie in it. But I used to think it was the best stuff in the world. Ovaltine is pretty cool. Makes me think of A Christmas Story.
Maternal Mirth said…
You know, I am just one of those rare people that can do both. I guess it just depends on the day... somedays, no milk. Just booze.
Nance said…
Oh, gosh, do I hate milk. HATE. It. Good luck.
Atasha said…
You're probably going to think "Eeew gross" like my husband & everyone does but I can't stand the taste of any other milk but diluted evaporated milk. My husband and kids love the regular 1% stuff but I think it's nasty.
J said…
I love milk, but I don't think it's the most refreshing thing ever. I like it with certain things (enchiladas, fried chicken, chocolate, PB&J, sometimes pasta). I'll drink it on its own sometimes, like if I have to take meds or if I want some calcium. But I like water, I like orange juice, I like V8, I like wine. I like diet coke too much.
Steph said…
I can't stand drinking milk, and only drink it when absolutely necessary.
... Paige said…
Yummy milk. I admint I prefer Kroger brand.

Stay away from wallymarts brand-it is full of hormones that get little girls to starting really early if you know what I mean.
Anvilcloud said…
Plain works for me.
Liz said…
dgm said…
I love milk although like J, I wouldn't describe it as refreshing. When I was a kid I loooooooooved drinking milk & Pepsi. It tasted like fizzy chocolate milk to me. Try it! Mmmmmmm.
dr sardonicus said…
Milk is good with breakfast.
Patois42 said…
Hate it. Grew up relatively poor'ish, so my mother used to cut regular milk with Carnation dried milk. Oh, blech, blech, blech. Never got over it. Can only drink it straight with a rich, rich brownie.
Awesome Mom said…
Plain mostly, but who can resist chocolate milk?
Scout said…
I hardly ever have just plain milk. It seems weird to me to drink something that's meant for baby cows. Although I love cheese.

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