Friday Poll

A shout out to my homegirl Sunshine, as it is her birthday today!

As for you, would you say that you spend too much time on the computer?

And crikey, I just found out that dearest Kelley from Magnetoboldtoo! had a mini-stroke earlier in the week! Please go over and leave her a funny/well-wishing comment to keep her entertained in the hospital. Damn.


Cherry said…

My husband says my laptop is attached to me, and if I'm not on that I'm fussing with my iPhone and my carpal tunnel proves it!

Loving the new blog look!
Autumn's Mom said…
I like you new bloggy face :) Obviously I spend too much time on this idiot box. I don't have much access to a computer at home though. But I really make up for it at work ;)

dgm said…
I don't think I do. Okay, maybe some days I do. Yeah, I guess I do sometimes.
Awesome Mom said…
I spend way too much time with my computer. But then I don't watch all that much tv so I guess it balances out.
dmmgmfm said…
I'm usually not on my computer...but I am in front of it. ;-)

I've started taking the weekend off...between work and photo editing, the odd blog now and then, I'm at the computer far too often, so it's nice to have time away.
... Paige said…
Yes too much time on one hand and not near enough on the other

Stokes, suck
Hope said…
especially playing facebook scrabble... but dammit winter is longgggggggggggggg here, as soon as it warms up, the computer will be gratefully exchanged for gardening and playing outside.
Liz said…
Yeah probably too much time,

Happy Birthday Sunshine. Today is my un-Birthday!
dr sardonicus said…
I've been told a matter of fact, the guy I'm working with today just said that a few minutes ago...
J said…
When I'm at work, yes. But unemployed? No, I walk away quite a bit.
Scout said…
Define "too much."
Patois42 said…
Cleary, I don't spend enough time as it's Monday and I'm just answering your Friday poll.
Love you babe. Thanks for thinking of me.

Oh and just to make it EVEN MORE FUNNY it was my birthday when I was admitted.

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