Friday Poll

Why have I been maintaining blog silence this week?

I have no idea.

For whatever reason, even though I've mulled over possible blog posts, none of them ever made their way to your screen. I guess it is called busy and tired, plus a soupcon of lazy thrown in for good measure.

Yesterday, I had a really busy day that popped out of nowhere. I was pretty much on the go from 9:30 to 4:00, and that's fine. But it annoyed me somewhat that my day formed itself, rather than me having it formulated already. I don't like surprises, although I am adaptable. I am adaptable, but grumpy about doing so.

Do you like to have your day planned, or do you just go with the flow?


Autumn's Mom said…
I like to plan as much as I can. Like you, I'm a grumpy adapter. This weekend I have PLANNED to do a lot of nothing. :) Have a great weekend.
Awesome Mom said…
I tend to have one or two things in mind for the day and then go from there. I am not too much of a scheduler but all the doctors and therapist appointments have forced me to be more of one.
Cherry said…
interesting to think about...

I am a planner. I like to plan the day all out. I get energized by thinking of things I'm going to do. I start my day with all sorts of ideas of things I want to accomplish. I usually even start on them first thing in the morning and then something happens. I completely stop and nothing gets done. And even if it is me who stops the doing and changes the plans, I am still grumpy about it. If someone else changes the plans (even if it was unlikely I would actually do them) I'm pissed.
But you see I'm also lazy as shit... you don't see shit getting up and doing stuff now do you? no... that's me. Make a big entrance and then I just sit there.

Happy Friday!
chichimama said…
I live by my schedule, baby. In fact, my husband and I just synced up our calendars so I can both see what I am supposed to be doing AND what he is doing in one fell swoop.

I pink puffy heart my calendar.
dr sardonicus said…
I try to plan things out, but sometimes life just doesn't work the way you want it to.

Don't feel bad. Seems like everybody in my neighborhood has the blogging blahs this week.
Steph said…
I am a total planner. I will go with the flow, if needed, but would much rather know what is coming my way and be ready for it!
J said…
I'm a planner. I pretend not to care when plans change, but no one's buying it, because I suck at the pretending.

My happiest days are when I have a list, and I accomplish everything on it. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the things I'm doing. Just means that I like that feeling of accomplishment.
Patois42 said…
Open up the taps, baby, and let it flow.
Scout said…
It depends on what's on the schedule. If it's booked with things I'd prefer to ignore, then I get really miffed.

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