As with all young children, for a very long time we parents rely on the old "spell the word out" trick for talking about things in front of them that we don't want them to know. Well, our time seems just about up. Hubba-hubba was trying to tell me about an upcoming event in which Santa would be making an appearance. As Mr. P is very much into Christmas this year, we knew that any mention of Santa would bring a long soliliquoy about how Santa is magic and how he makes the toys and how he has a list and on and on and on. And at that moment, we just didn't feel like hearing it. Don't judge people, don't judge. So, Hubba-hubba spelled out "S-A-N-T-A." "Hey, what did you just say?" said the five year old. "Nothing" lied replied his father. "I know what you said, Daddy! You said Santa!" Anybody know a place that sells semaphore flags?
PS word verif is CHILL. I'm gonna go do that now.
AM, your mom ROCKS.
My word verification is punwsi. Sounds like an insult.
Well, actually, I can fathom him. What I cannot fathom is all the mindless people who believed he did a good job. Argh.
I thought that quote was appropriate :)
word verification: judge
We have a lot of work to do to clean up. And yet there are still millions that love him, want to see Rome burn down.
There you go.
Nice blog here. I look forward to dropping by again soon!
And, might I add, "obsessed" according to word verification. (I have so been loving the new words nowadays!)
Excuse me? Was she baiting me, or just honestly that was what stood out for her?
I couldn’t resist. I said “Yes, and there was a large crowd cheering that he was leaving.”
“Oh, I just can’t understand all that hateful talk. I’m not a hater,” quoth she.
I've gone searching the blogosphere for like-minded mommies since mine has let me down.
I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship with you folks.