Gettin' Merry Like Christmas

Oh, it's almost here, isn't it? We were tracking Santa all night, and when we left my mom's house, he was in Florida already. Florida! We told Mr. P that we had better get home really fast, because we needed to be asleep when he got there.

So we set out the Rice Krispie treats we both made together on the special pirate-ship shaped plate and milk in a Justice League glass. Good times....

So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


Awesome Mom said…
Merry Christmas Gina!! I hope that Santa does not think you were too naughty so that maybe you get some nice presents.
Chris said…
Merry Christmas Gina! Hoping your day is an awesome one.
Nance said…
Merry Krispmas to you and your family!
dmmgmfm said…
I hope you had a fantastic Christmas!
J said…
Hope your Christmas was indeed Merry, and that the New Year brings joy and peace.
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope Santa was good to Mr. P....
dr sardonicus said…
Hope you had an excellent Christmas!
Dammit. That is what I did wrong.

*slaps head* Of course Santa would be a superhero fan!

Hope your Christmas was glorious babe.
Ortizzle said…
Merry Christmas a bit late. Darn, I missed the rice krispies!
Autumn's Mom said…
I hope Santa was good to Mr. P...and you as well :)
Scout said…
I miss getting to believe in Santa.
Eunice Burns said…
Hope yours was merry.

apathy lounge
Steph said…
Hope that you had a very merry Christmas!

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