Oh My...

I'm going to be honest with you.

I cried.

I cried during the first part of Barack Obama's acceptance speech.

I cried because I was so proud that our country was able to put race aside and vote for the best person for the job.

I cried because of the legacy of hope that African Americans in this country now feel.

I cried because for eight freaking years I felt hopeless and beat down. Like our country was going backwards and there was not a damn thing I could do to stop it.

I cried because I believe that my son will be growing up in a society that is truly on its way to being color blind.

I cried for what Obama must be feeling, the unbelievable high of winning the presidency, and the horrific low of losing someone so very close to him just yesterday.

I cried because I was so happy that we finally have someone in the White House who is such a skillful orator. There is something to be said for not mispronouncing words and actually knowing what all of them mean.

Do I think that he is perfect? No.
Do I think he will do things I disagree with? Absolutely.

But for the first time in a long time, I feel a tiny seed of hope. There are more things that Obama and I agree on than disagree. And he is right, it's going to be a long, steep climb. He is inheriting the country when it is at one of its lowest points in history, and it's not going to get fixed overnight.

But until he gives me a really good reason to doubt, I will put my cynicism on hold and believe that we can indeed change for the better.

*As an aside, when the John McCain supporters actually booed at the mention of Obama's name, Hubba-hubba turned to me and said, "That is why I did not vote for the Republican party." Contrast that to the deserved cheers and gracious praise given to McCain at the Obama speech, and that pretty much sums it up for you.


Suzanne said…
So happy, too. I made the same observation about the difference in reactions to mentions of the other guy, too.
J said…
I saw some folks in San Francisco booing at McCain's name, so that divisiveness is not at all one sided.

I didn't cry, but boy, I'm thrilled, and feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Like maybe, if we all work on this, with our government working WITH us rather than AGAINST us, we'll get through these very tough times ahead. I sure hope so.

Damn it on Prop 8. Grrr.
Anvilcloud said…
I was struck by his oratorical skill as well. That's been gone for eight years. It's not that oratory is everything, but it's nice ot have it.
Liz said…
I cried too. Great big fat tears of joy.
Maternal Mirth said…
You are not alone ... please pass the Kleenex.
Quiskaeya said…
OMG I'm still in the surreal place I floated to when he was declared our President! Words can not express what an awesome feeling of pride! America has truly transcended to a new height with this accomplishment.
Jess T said…
Yay! Yay! Yay!
captain corky said…
It was an amazing day and Obama's speech was incredible. I'm proud of America today.
and actually having a President with a brain! A really educated brain! (screw that 'educated elite' s*%t) (Isn't my vocabulary vast?!?)
I am one happy camper too!
Nance said…
j.--maybe in San Fran, but not in Chicago, at THE acceptance speech when Obama was speaking to the half-million people who had gathered to hear him in person and who knew, as did the people who gathered to hear McCain in AZ to hear him, that it would be broadcast the world over.

I cried and I felt such a sense of relief and unburdening. Like I could finally stop being angry all the time. And I could start feeling proud again. It was affirming. We can finally start being The Good Guys again.
Chris said…
I cried with all of you! I actually was very, very, proud to be an American!!! I can wait for all the shitty stuff to get fixed. I can wait.
Heidi said…
My eyes watered. I am feeling proud again and hopeful as an American.
Scout said…
I was right there with you, Gina.

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