Friday Poll

Did you like going to school?


Sue said…
I didn't mind going.

I loved coming home in the evenings.

Some of the time, I liked it when I was actually there, too. Depended what subjects were timetabled.
Awesome Mom said…
It depended. I was not thrilled with High School but I loved college. I think that being around more people that actually wanted to learn made the difference.
Nance said…
All except Junior High, which was in a rough neighborhood and full of...well, let's just say it was "organized."
Autumn's Mom said…
Loved Junior High, HATED high school. Tested out and left at 17.
Heidi said…
I didn't grade school at all. I was extremely shy which made me the perfect target for bullies. I really really hated high school because of the social pressures and again the bullies. I dropped out in my Junior year, not soon enough!
I loved College.
Liz said…
No, not really.
dgm said…
Loved, loved, loved it, all the way through!
J said…
Loved elementary school, liked/hated middle school, loved high school, though I also loved sleeping in, so I did cut class sometimes. Loved college, except for the tests and the papers. ;) But the reading and the discussion, that part was great.
Cherry said…
I loved school up to about 3rd grade when I started struggling with reading, and it was pretty down hill from there. There was generally at least one class I loved in Jr High per year, and high school... well it all sucked, except Band and my Science classes, and well I sucked at Band but it was still fun.
Scout said…
I did like going to school, although I went through a brief phase of begging my parents to send me to a private, conservative Christian school. Thank God they didn't listen.
dr sardonicus said…
Mostly. First, I enjoyed learning, then later I liked hanging out with the stoners, then in college I figured out how to do a little of both.
Scout said…
Not at the time, but I wish I could be there now. Well, not there there. I hated that school, but another school would be nice.

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