Friday Poll

Long ago, in a faraway time, Gina cared a lot about her stats. Gina would obsessively check them every day, even multiple times a day. And she wasn't above a couple of double or triple clicks just to give herself a little boost.

During this obsessive period, something called NaBloPoMo came around. The first time, it was fun. Her stats soared to a nice level, and she was hooked. The next time around, not so much fun, and not nearly as many hits. And the third time, it was just sheer, utter torture. The hits hardly increased because so many people were doing it, unless you joined one of those groups, you were pretty much SOL. And Gina did not win a damn thing.

So, is Gina doing NaBloPoMo this year?

Hell to the no. I rarely check my stats anymore, and since I don't post here as regularly, they reflect that. Which uh, could be why I rarely check them anymore. But I will say that I went from a high of about an average of 150+ a day to much, much less. Maybe take away that zero. But, I'm ok with it.

What about you? Will you be posting every day in November?


Chris said…
No, I can't even find the time to blog to myself. ;)
Patois42 said…
You've been ghosted - come by and grab a puking pumpkin!

Now, regarding your poll, yeah, I'm doing it this year. But I'm still on the newer side of blogging, just at about two years. And I post most days anyway, so maybe, just maybe, I'll win a prize. ('Tho it'll probably be a lame one if anything!)
Scout said…
I'll admit I still check my stats a lot, but I rarely get over 50 a day. I did NaBloPoMo two years in row, but this time around I think I'll pass.
Awesome Mom said…
Nope! No time really.
Heather Plett said…
I'm the same as you - big drop in stats, much less regular posting, and no longer interested in my stats. I've never done NaBloPoMo and don't plan to do it this year. Too much traveling and work commitments to be anywhere near regular.
Autumn's Mom said…
I'm not a stat checker. Nor a participator. haha I did try once and failed. I like that Starshine gave ideas for topics each day. So if there is an idea i like there, maybe I will and maybe i won't!
Liz said…
No way. But then again, I have never participated in it.
~Sheryl said…
For me NaBloPoMo isn't about my stats, it's more about finding interesting blogs to read. This will be my 3rd year and I anticipate completing it again.

I don't really care for the new format, but I totally understand the huge undertaking it is for Eden, so I can't really blame her for finding a different avenue.

Yep, count me in.
Ted said…
I've never done NaBloPoMo, but I have to admit to checking site stats every time I post. And, like you, my traffic has dwindled down to a handful of visitors. I guess personal blogs are "So 2005" these days.
Nance said…
No to both. I hate Na...Mo because it ends up actually DEcreasing blog traffic to most blogs. So many people are so wrapped up in their own blogs that they end up sacking everyone else's. And Ted makes a very interesting point. I really think blogging has reached its apex and is on the decline except for a few of the first-wavers, and even they are pretty much done now since they've gotten a book deal or two. Most people who started a blog and thought they'd actually make money or become "famous" and haven't are rapidly losing interest in the entire world of blogging, both writing and reading.

I'm sticking with mine because I enjoy it and it keeps me writing. I read others' because I like the online camaraderie of it and the widening of my viewpoint. I had a very realistic expectation going in.
dgm said…
Oh god no!
NaBloPoMo or whatever can blow itself.

Hell to the No will I post every day.

Since I got my new digs, I can barely post one or two times a week.

p.s. - your secret password I have to enter sounds like a yummy drink - glectini
chichimama said…
On the fence. We'll have to see...
dr sardonicus said…
When have I ever posted every day?

There's things I do to goose my stats from time to time, but they rarely last more than a few days, and then I settle down to more-or-less the same level I've maintained for the last year or so.
Steph said…
Definitely not! :)
Sunshine said…
Posting every day for a month sounds fairly horrible. Especially a month focused on the eating of more food than usual, so no thank you, I'll be bellied up to the dining table.

And I pretty much hate it because the people I do read that do it, well, I just get more behind.

So the NOBLOMOFO thing sucks donkey balls. But that's just me...
J said…
I'm doing it, but not for the stats. I don't check, and don't care. I post almost every day anyway, so it's not that. I don't know why I'm doing it. Habit? Because it's easy? I don't know.

I'm sad you're not, though, cause I'd love to come over here and see more posts. But I totally get why you're not.
Cherry said…
Yea I'm doing it. I enjoyed it last year, even though I was blog burned by the end of it. Of course I only have one blog to keep up with, and the stats haven't meant much to me for well over a year now since I find more benefit out writing and reading others, then making sure people read mine.
I knew there was a reason I love you.

NahBloMe isn't happening on my little blog this year...

Smootches to another that is not jumping on the bandwagon.

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