Friday Poll

I'd almost rather not admit it, but I watch Brothers & Sisters. You know, the melodramatic, soapy drama starring Calista Flockhart and Sally Fields. Except it's better and funnier than any "true" soap opera, and I watch even though I dislike Calista. There is something about the dialogue between the family when they talk to each other that is so true to life, I love it.

What is your current guilty pleasure?


Jules said…
America's Next Top Model . ..
J said…
I've heard good things about that show, though we haven't watched it.

My guilty pleasure is far worse than yours. I love watching repeats of Beverly Hills 90210 every evening on Soap Net. LOVE it.
dgm said…
Now that I've lost the thrill of watching Prison Break eps back to back, I'll have to go with:

Buying a medium iced nonfat capp from Peet's almost every day. First it was occasionally, then two days a week. This must stop.

Oh, and that Fage Greek plain yogurt instead of reasonably priced yogurt.
Heather Plett said…
Same as you - Brothers and Sisters. And Amazing Race - the only "reality" show I watch.
Autumn's Mom said…
I enjoy that show as well. Guilty of loving Rachel Zoe, The Hills and Kimora. Every time the commercial for the latter comes on, I scream I'M NOT HAPPY. just like her. SO ANNOYING. and delicious.
Chris said…
Amazing Race and Brothers and Sisters.
chichimama said…
Amazing Race and Brothers ad Sisters here as well....
Awesome Mom said…
I was avidly watching Dances With The Stars for awhile there but them my favorite star got booted and I didn't start watching again. Now that they have CSI on watch it now at Netflix I am trying to catch up on the years of episodes that I have missed.
Maternal Mirth said…
Aside from liquor and dope ... Kimora. (hides head in shame)
Piece of Work said…
Everything I watch on TV is a guilty pleasure, starting with 90210 (the new one! I know!), Priveledged, Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, oh I can go on. I also love Brothers and Sisters but the best part about it is that I sucked Lance in with me, so we watch it together. he would NEVER admit that to anyone! Ha! And I just told the whole internet. :)
Hope said…
today it's taking a few minutes to surf blogdom and catch up with friends, hugs gina.
Ted said…
I feel absolutely guilt free about my TV watching habits -- even when I have to say "I love Battlestar Galactica."
Nance said…
Vegging out in front of the marathon reruns of "House."
Cherry said…
I feel no guilt about Brother's and Sisters. The guilt comes with America's Next Top Model.
Scout said…
I watch Brothers & Sisters, too, but I don't know why. Sally Field makes me nuts.

I love Pushing Daisies, but I don't feel guilty about it. I suppose my guilty pleasure is Desperate Housewives.
Quiskaeya said…
Gossip Girls! I'm so ashamed.

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