Friday Poll

Ok, I'm baking my dad some chocolate chip cookies for his birthday, but wouldn't you know it, I don't know if he likes chewy chocolate chip cookies or soft, cakey chocolate chip cookies. I can't ask him, because it's a surprise.

Which do you like best?


chichimama said…
Anvilcloud said…
Prefer chewy but like crispy as well.
Awesome Mom said…
Chewy but I also like crispy. Cakey is just barely edible.
Ted said…
Viva la chewy!
Autumn's Mom said…
Chewy or crispy. Cakey makes it hard to talk with my mouth full ;)
Maternal Mirth said…
Chewy like a wookie.

Wookie Cookies.
dgm said…
Definitely crispy, although that doesn't appear to be an option. So I'll go with chewy. Never cakey.
J said…
Chewy, and add some macadamia nuts for me! Mmmm.
Liz said…
Chewy, definitely.
Piece of Work said…
Crispy chewey. Down with cakey cookies.
Cherry said…
CHEWY! MMmmm. Maybe with a crisp edge.
dr sardonicus said…
I guess I'm with the chewy majority here.
Scout said…
Chewy, definitely.

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