Friday Poll

Are you a better cook, or better baker? Or neither?


Anonymous said…
Cook. I can't bake to save my life. Not even a cookie...
dgm said…
Ooooooh, tough call. I'm okay at both, but I do more cooking and I get the chance to experiment with flavors and textures more there. So I'll vote for cooking.
Awesome Mom said…
I am pretty average at both. I could be better but I haven't really taken the time to practice either enough to become proficient.
Heather Plett said…
I have my moments in either camp, but not consistently.
Sunshine said…
Both, baby, both.
I got the skillz.
Autumn's Mom said…
I'm a way better cook. I leave the baking to Autumn.
Never That Easy said…
Baking, definitely. I enjoy cooking enough, but baking is my thing.
Ted said…
I'll go with "better cook."
Nance said…
I love cooking more because you can improvise more, so I'll say "cook." I don't bake all that often.
J said…
I don't really enjoy baking that much. I do really enjoy cooking, though. I'm a 'good cooker', as Maya used to say. ;)
Liz said…
I have to say a cook, since everything I make involves garlic and onions.
dr sardonicus said…
I can cook decently, but rarely have I tried to bake anything. I've had little time for either lately; it seems like almost all my meals come from fast-food windows.
Shannon said…
I love to do both, but I would have to say better baker. When I cook I have a hard time sticking with the recipe. Sometimes my adjustments work out and other times... Baking I tend to stick to a recipe so it works out much better :)
Scout said…
I'm a better cook, I think. I don't spend much time practicing baking, though.

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