Friday Poll

I like sandwiches. I don't know why, but I often choose to eat a sandwich over many other things. The weird thing is that I find myself needing to have something crunchy with them, like chips. Or else I feel like I am missing out on something. Yeah, I'm weird, I know.

Do you have to have chips (or something similarly crunchy) with your sandwich, or do you even care?


~Sheryl said…
I like Ruffles on my Sloppy Joes for the exact same reason. Strange, I know, but you asked. lol
Steph said…
Yep, I like chips with sandwiches too.
dgm said…
When I was a kid I HAD to have potato chips inside my ham sandwich, but somehow I am no longer haunted by that compulsion.
Awesome Mom said…
I would, but I have banned chips from my house so that I don't eat them.
Heidi said…
Yes, I have to have chips or pretzels or goldfish, and a cookie when I am done!
J said…
Mmmm. Chips. I'll skip the sandwich, even! But yes, I do like chips with a sandwich. Had that for lunch yesterday, even. I once tried little carrots instead of chips, and it was pretty satisfying as well. Just has to be crunchy. Of course, it wasn't as good as chips, or I'd be thinner right now. ;)
Suzanne said…
Yep, chips make a sandwich much better.
Anvilcloud said…
I have done that at times, but it does feel weird.
Autumn's Mom said…
I don't like a sandwich with out something crunchy. :)
Maternal Mirth said…
Hmmm, never gave it a thought, but I can go either way, with or without crunch.
Nance said…
Lay's Original. Forget the sandwich. And the foldy ones are all mine.

Now, if we have to talk sandwich, let's talk Miracle Whip VS. mayonnaise. Me, I'm a Miracle Whip girl.
Liz said…
If I make it at home, I need the chips, although strangely, I need the crunchy chips most if I have a tuna salad sandwich. Others don't need it as much as tuna.
Heather Plett said…
Yeah I'm definitely a "two textures" kinda gal.
dr sardonicus said…
I just had me some Cheeze-Its with my ham salad sandwiches here at work. You definitely need something crunchy - chips, cockroaches, whatever...
Scout said…
I have to have something crunchy. It's a side dish, and it completes the plate with the sandwich on one side and chips on the other. I hate delis that offer pasta salad as a side dish with a sandwich. Unless it crunches, don't offer it.

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