I'm Tired

I'm tired and I am finding that the public school system and I are not particularly compatible. Hmmm, it must be because I have an opinion of my own and am not afraid to voice it. Not in a bitchy way, but still letting people know if I agree or disagree. Apparently, people don't like hearing things they don't want to hear. Guess what? Too. Freaking. Bad.

The principal of the school and I are not getting along. I have a feeling this year is not going to be pretty. And look at me, already being a rebel with my kid in school for about a month. It also helps when your sister is a teacher and she can tell you some of the stuff they shouldn't be able to get away with.

It's gonna get ugly, my friends. Ugh. Not what I wanted at all.

Um, and have I mentioned that Teeny Manolo is having a super-de-duper giveaway? And that all you have to do is write a winning haiku to get almost $200 in Stila makeup? And that there is also a runner-up? You have until Friday, so get over there.

Like, now.



dgm said…
Oh, man, I'm sorry for you. I just know I wouldn't last in a public school because I actually expect to get what I pay for.

Good luck. Remember, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. :-)
Sunshine said…
Why do I feel that there is a "How I Fought the Board of Education" post in our future....

You? Opinion?
Awesome Mom said…
Keep fighting for your son!! He deserves the best education.
Steph said…
Sorry that you have had a rough start with the public school system. I hope that things work out for you and Mr. P soon.
Ted said…
Well, it is a public school, and you're part of the public, so fire away. But being a guy who's been on the receiving end of the public's ire, I can tell you it's really sucks when people make it personal.

And ... I'll pass on the make up 'cause, um, I'm naturally beautiful. ;-)
J said…
I can't help but be curious of the details...which are none of my business. But I wonder, what they are trying to get away with???
Nance said…
Yikes. I'll pass on this one, being a PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER and all. Sigh.
Autumn's Mom said…
SIGH This isn't how it's supposed to be. I'm sorry it's been a battle. Wanna borrow my bat?
Heidi said…
That doesn't sound like a good situation. Just keep fighting to do what is right for your child, don't give up.
I am lucky that I like the grade school principle. He looks like Principle Snyder from Buffy, which makes me giggle when I see him, but his personality is the complete opposite. He seems to actually like all the kids.
Liz said…
I wish you luck. I hope you won't be labeled as one of "those irritating parents" (I have lots of friends who are teachers and they bitch about the parents causing more problems than the kids). There's a way to help your kid without making it ugly.

You don't want the teachers to dread having Mr. P in their classes. Not knowing the details, you can ignore this if I am out of line (which I probably am!).
Jess T said…
I'm curious too. What's the story?If you care to share, of course.
dianna said…
Go get 'em Sister...Mama Bear's gotta do what Mama Bear's gotta do*!*

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