Friday Poll

Fever, stuffiness, headache. That's me in a nutshell, but life must go on. Luckily, I don't have to go to a job where I can potentially infect dozens of other people because that project HAS to get done. Just my own family and possibly Mr. P's teacher.

Have you ever gone to work sick, knowing you shouldn't, but did anyway?


Autumn's Mom said…
It is physically impossible for me to drag my @SS out of bed when I'm too sick. Luckily, I just get allergies and not sick sick too often.
Heidi said…
There are signs all over the hospital where I work that tell visitors not to visit if they are ill. This rule doesn't extend to employees!
I once went to work having had moderate cold/flu symptoms, but I thought with some Ibuprofen and cold med I would be fine. By 7 pm I had a fever of 104, so they let me go home. Turned out I had the Chicken Pox. I was 38 at the time!
dr sardonicus said…
Yup. Then I got a job that has sick days...
J said…
Of course. Anyone with a job that takes them out of the home has probably done it, because so many colds/flus linger. A day or two is fine to take off, but sometimes it lasts a lot longer than that, and the work has to get done. Sigh.
Ted said…
Yeah, but it wasn't my choice. My bosses pressured me to come in -- despite my protests.
Gina said…
One of my biggest pet peeves is people coming in to work when they are obviously ill. It is a sad sign of our corporate culture that showing up to work is considered more important than our health. And then, it just makes even more people sick, so it's just stupid all around
Where I work you basically need to come in to prove you are ill. But my boss is my b*tch so I can come and go as I please!
Maternal Mirth said…

Not worth it on both ends. For me, I need rest. For my co-workers, they need health.

Scout said…
I have when I was forced to, but I stuck to myself and tried not to cough on anyone.

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