Friday Poll

I like healthy food. I know it's good for you and all that. But, there are some days when I sort of crave some fatty, cholesterol and sodium-laden fare that can only be found at a place with a drive thru.

When you are in the mood, what is your favorite fast food joint?


Liz said…
Probably Taco Bell, although Roy Rogers has some pretty good fried chicken when I get a hankering for it.
chichimama said…
I have been known to go to McDonalds for the fries, and then drive down the street and get the Whopper Jr at Burger King. Sad, I know :-).
Sunshine said…
Long John Silvers. I love their grease and the chicken planks and hush puppies are awesome.
dgm said…
I don't do the fast food joints, but when I crave the fat greasy stuff, I either go home and fry me some bacon and eggs or go to a local joint that serves breakfast burritos all day.
Awesome Mom said…
I like Jack in the Box when I get a fast food hankering. Sadly they don't have any here in Kansas and I have to settle for Hardee's.
J said…
There's a specific craving for Taco Bell, another for KFC, and yet another for McDonalds fries. Luckily, none of them hit THAT often.
Nance said…
Taco Bell.
Maternal Mirth said…
If I still lived in IL, it would be Portillo's ... so far nothing Westcoast has spurred a foodie-love the way Portillo's did.
Steph said…
Let's see, today I dragged the kids to Arby's for lunch. There is something about Checkers fries though...
kenju said…
Bojangles for chicken biscuits and seasoned fries, and the sweetest iced tea in the universe.
dr sardonicus said…
Jersey Mike's, a sub shop. I don't know if they have those in southern California.

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