Friday Poll

What animal/insect creeps you out the most?


Jess T said…
Animal-snakes. Pretty generic eh?
Awesome Mom said…
Spiders, I shriek like a little girl when I smack into a spider web. I just know that there is one crawling on me.

Earwigs and cockroaches are close seconds in creeping me out.
J said…
maggots. Blech.
Steph said…
Ticks! I get itchy just thinking about them.
... Paige said…
Rats- they are nasty, speedy fast runners and breeders, chew any and everything and worse of all they can grow very large. Nasty even that Rat-a-touee (sp?) one.

Oh yeah and what Steph said- ticks that is why I don't eat raisens on accounta they look like swelled up ticks. {shivers}

And thank you Gina for making me think of these things on a Friday afternoon.
Gina said…
Paige, you are so welcome! ;)

I forgot to say that cockroaches freak the hell out of me. Luckily I don't see them very often.
dgm said…
Black widows (but not most other spiders), ticks, and maggots.
Kelley said…
Huntsman spiders... just writing that makes me shudder...
Scout said…
Ortizzle said…
Ever since I had one crawling up my leg while driving on the interstate... cockroaches.
Quiskaeya said…
Frogs!!!!!!! With snakes in a close second.
Nance said…
Snakes. I cannot even look at a picture of them or see them on TV. I am terrified of them. And, no, I've never had a single experience with them. Just hate 'em.
Centipedes. All those legs really creep me out.

Cockroaches are a close second. Down here they call them Palmetto Bugs. Nice try. They're still gross.

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