Stupid DVR

A few days ago, Sixteen Candles came on the television.

I haven't watched that movie in ages, and although it wasn't my number one favorite of the John Hughes ouevre, I still like the movie a lot.

So, we made sure to have the DVR record it, and we were looking forward to watching it when Mr. P went to bed.

So we put it on, and laugh at Anthony Michael Hall and wonder whatever the hell happened to Jake's acting career, because he certainly never made another good movie after that one. I didn't even remember his name. Which is a shame, because he was certainly a hottie. Long Duc Dong, John Cusack's cameo, and Sam's sister, whose performance has been severely underrated. All were enjoyed.

So we sit through the whole thing, and finally get to the part where they are sitting on the table, birthday cake for Samantha in between them. "Make a wish," he says, candlelight illuminating their faces. "It already came true," she breathes. And then they lean in towards each other and.....


The recording ends.

No kiss!

I watch the whole freaking movie and don't even get the payoff of the kiss!

I am bitter.


I hadn't thought about that movie in FOREVER. And yes, Sam's sister's performance was severely underrated.

And I can't remember John Cusack's cameo. I will have to go and watch it soon.
Steph said…
What a bummer. Our DVR has been a little flaky too and decided to cut off the end of American Idol... it got to Ryan Seacrest saying "And the winner is..." CUT!
Anvilcloud said…
We have that happen too, sometimes. Some programs, like AI mentioned above, go just a little longer that their time slot.
Autumn's Mom said…
16 candles is actually my favorite from the 80's. What's happening hot stuff! I hate when the DVR does that. So if it's something important, go back into the timer and add a few minutes onto the end time. That's what I used to do.
Maternal Mirth said…
Oooooh sexy girlfriend!
J said…
ACK! I thought that problem only happened with a VCR, not a DVR? (Clearly I don't own a DVR)
Heidi said…
I love that movie. I used to have pictures of Jake in GQ magazine taped to my wall.
Sunshine said…
Change the settings so that all recordings start 3 minutes ahead and end 3 minutes after the time slot, then you have a cushion. Mine is set up like that, then unless it's a live event that really runs way over, I'm cool.

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