Oh Bloggy Bloggy

I wish I could quit you.

Really, during these last two weeks I was thisclose to not blogging here any longer. What with two other blogs and some stuff in the works, I just couldn't see where I was going to have the time. And for sure, I am going to have to comment less frequently. The commenting is the biggest time commitment, and I seem to be just running out of time. And, I don't think I will be able to be quite so "regular" with the posting either. I know that means I will have all of three comments any more, but that's ok with me. I started this thing just to hear myself speak, and it seems I will somehow end it on that same note.

In other, much more important news, there have been two devastating losses within my beautiful blogging community.

Maya's Granny, the fabulous, witty, and intelligent mother to my buddy J passed away. Her blog was always a font of information, and I will never forget how willing she was to impart her knowledge of child-rearing and teaching to me. The blogging world has truly lost a unique voice, that of a beloved, wise village elder with so much to impart.

Then, I learned that my dear Dr. S's lovely wife unexpectedly passed away earlier this week in her sleep. My friends, she was only 48, and I grieve with Dr. S and send him my best wishes.

A somber note to finish on, but please join me in a moment of silence for the loss of these wonderful people that left us too soon.


Cherry said…
Who knew that the world of blogging would bring us so close to people we've never met or will never meet or if we are lucky, will bring us to meet people we may never have crossed paths with.

The the joys of getting to know people also come the grieving of loosing them.

RSS will allow people to follow you even if you don't post as often. I too found the commenting to take a long time, so I have become a lurker myself and probably only read every few weeks. I just can't spend the time that I used to and therefore great part of the connections in blogging are waning. I can only expect to get out of it, what I put in, I guess.
Anvilcloud said…
It is difficult to keep up, but I'm glad you will to some extent.
J said…
I think that as long as you understand the game that is blogging, you'll be fine. You may get fewer comments, but I'm sure many will come by anyway, just to see how you and the family are doing.

Thank you for your kind words about my mom, and Dr. S's wife. I went and checked his blog out, and what a loss. That's just horrid.

And, I think, it's horrid of me to notice, but I did. Dr. S and my mom had the same blogger template. Strange.
Maternal Mirth said…
I bloggy-love you even without your stunningly witty comments :)

And now ...

Quiskaeya said…
I've never met these people in the blogging world but my heart is saddened by their loss. Blogosphere connects us all in some sort of indirect way.

My thoughts and prayers...
Autumn's Mom said…
You know G, I'm happy to see you when ever you pop in. I'll always be lurkin. My friend's loss has made me blue for sure. So sad about the other.
dr sardonicus said…
Thank you, Gina, and thanks to the rest of you for your kind thoughts.

The one advantage of keeping up this place is that it belongs to you - there's no rules for you to be mindful of here. It's the one place in the blogosphere where you can be yourself. If you can only post here occasionally, that's OK. We understand.
dmmgmfm said…
I'm sorry Gina.
Suzanne said…
I miss reading you.

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