Friday Poll

What was your worst subject in school?


Atasha said…
Calculus. Gave me so much trouble which puzzled me as I was so good in math
Laura said…
Algebra II and Trigonometry...I'm not eve sure if I spelled it right, that's how bad I was at it.
dgm said…
I hated Civics because it was dreadfully boring and the teacher was so prissy, but it was easy. The maths didn't give me much trouble and, I'm a dork for saying this but I loved those classes.
Nance said…
Algebra. I'd add Geometry, but I had "help" with that...don't ask.
Awesome Mom said…
Math, math and more math. Everything else I excelled at but math tripped me up every time.
Anonymous said…
math, though i did make it up to calculus, i suffered through it each and every time.
Autumn's Mom said…
Algebra :( Ended up having to take Math B for dummies to pass.
Steph said…
I'm apparently in the minority, as someone who excelled in and loved math classes. History was probably my worst.
Liz said…
High school: chemistry, followed closely by economics (I wrote once about my econ teacher asking me, in front on the class if I was stupid).

College: Spanish poetry. That was a language arts class and I quickly realized I didn't have what it took to double major in Spanish. That's ok though, I can still speak it.
Kelley said…
Math. OMG Math. How I hate thee.

Oh and ALL of my Math teachers were arses so it didn't help
Scout said…
Anything related to numbers—algebra, mainly.
J said…
Chemistry and languages. Ugh.
Quiskaeya said…
High school: Geometry
College: Algebra
I'm with the math-hating majority. But I had a great teacher for geometry, so I had a feeble grasp of it. I also hated US history because of the teacher. I remember sitting in class thinking he was a complete idiot. (He was also the football coach.)

(Here from Sunshine's blog)
Gina said…
Algebra was the death of me. I actually failed it and had to take summer school. Me, the honor student. It is my secret shame that I have now broadcast for everyone to read.

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