Music Monday

Energy, I need energy. I've got lots of things to do and never enough time to finish it all. With my bummer of a medical condition, fatigue is common if hormonal levels are not optimal. That last sentence sounded a bit robotic, but there it is.

So lots of times I put on the old iPod Shuffle (hello, dinosaur Gina, I know you are saying that) to motivate myself whilst doing hateful tasks like folding laundry.

Every song on the Shuffle is upbeat and fast, because it was originally formatted for my workouts. Quite a while ago, my computer made it clear that Apple software (meaing iTunes) and Windows software (uh, my entire OS) were not meant to coexist in peace. So, I'm stuck with what I got.

One of my most favorite songs on there is this old gem from Stevie Wonder. I lurve Motown Stevie, and am not all that fond of Mellow Pop Stevie. I am a big fan of the "wall of sound" which this song displays nicely. And how cute is Stevie at just 15?

This song never fails to get me shakin' it, no matter what I am doing. And, what up with all the crazy white people in the front? How could they possibly be listening to this song and not moving?


Laura said…
Oh...that energy... I need it too. The dust bunnies are gaining strength and planning a revolt around here, I fear.
dgm said…
Great clip! I, too, am so in love with Stevie after all these years. He's one of the few old-timers I'd pay lots of money to go see in concert. I constantly have me some Stevie on my iPod, currently stuck on the "Innervisions" era.
Maternal Mirth said…
Great booty-shake'in tune! I don't need energy, I need a miracle. And if anyone can do that it'd be Stevie ...
maddie said…
i hope the music makes you feel better! :-)
J said…
My brother finally broke down and bought a mac just because his iPod didn't play well with his PC. Now he's in love with the mac family. One by one, we bring you over to the side of truth and goodness....

Easier for him though, two incomes, no kids. ;)
Nance said…
Hey! I have an iPod shuffle. It was free, so that made it even better. So, get on down wit' your bad self.

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