Me, Only Almost Twenty Years Ago

Hurry, before I take down this link.


Scout said…
Beautiful! My hair never enough enough umph to stand up that tall. I should have invested in more spray.
Maternal Mirth said…
Oh. Hells. Yes.

Gina, you are as pretty as a gardenia twinkling with fresh dew and I am sure you smelled just as lovely!

BTW - totally made this link one of my faves. You can never hide again! MUAH-hahahaha!

I wish I had my prom pics to share, but they are in boxes in my sisters garage in Chicago :(

All I have is the old pic Big D carries in his wallet and I am not shamed. Actually, I have no shame whatsoever:
J said…
I'm glad you brought your boobs. ;)
You are (were?) GORGEOUS!! Why did I not imagine you as a blonde??

Laura said…
What a beautiful girl... I love that post. I will have to scan in my prom picture and share it with you all.
Nance said…
I'm trying to reconcile the pigtailed girl on your blog with that prom picture.
Sunshine said…
You've ruined it. And here all this time people thought a 1st grade Catholic school girl was running this blog.
Quiskaeya said…
I had to run like fire was on my a$$ to make sure I didn't miss this photographic opportunity! Okay now that I've caught my breathe, you looked (and I'm sure still do) fabulous Ms Thang! Still tryin' to catch my breathe...phewwww ;-)
Molly said…
And you looked fantastic and probably still do.
Beenzzz said…
Woo hoo! Beautiful!
Suzanne said…
I think I wore that same dress. Did you buy it at Contempo in the Westminster Mall?
chichimama said…
I am so jealous of the hair. I could never get my hair to look like that then (or now, but at least I am not trying to do so now...).

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