Friday Poll

Which actor, if any, will you go and see their movie, even if it sucks?


Heather Plett said…
I can't think of any. Every actor - no matter how good they are - seems to let me down at some point with their choice of movie.
Scout said…
Tough call—Paul Giamatti might be at the top. I think he's brilliant, but Lady in the Water was utter trash.
Awesome Mom said…
Colin Firth. I have seen him in the Bridget Jones' diary movies even though I thought they were ultra lame.
oshee said…
Will Smith...maybe I'm just shallow an it's just his eyes.
Liz said…
I can't think of a single one.
J said…
Hm. I really like Laura Dern and Julia Roberts (I know, I'm an idiot), but I'm OK with waiting for the DVD if the movie gets horrid reviews. So maybe the answer is, none.
Autumn's Mom said…
I wouldn't pay for the ticket or spend the gas on a bad movie. Not even for Clive. But I'd rent it. and turn down the sound and maybe hope for some nudity :D
Anonymous said…
If we're assuming that I went to movies (which I did all the time before I had kids), then there are a lot. But one is Liam Neeson.
dmmgmfm said…
I'm a sucker for Nicholas Cage. I have a thing for sexy blond men.
Heidi said…
Christopher Walken.
Nance said…
Daniel Day-Lewis.

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