Friday Poll

Today we had an earthquake, hail, and a tornado. Well, the tornado wasn't exactly where I live, but it was close enough.

Do you think the weather is weird lately? Or is it just me?


dr sardonicus said…
The weather is always weird.
Atasha said…
I think it is getting more weird. Even my husband who doesn't take notice to anything said that last week.
Liz said…
Very weird here. It's almost June and our heat still keeps coming on. That's just not right.
Steph said…
Yikes- hope all is okay with you! The temps here keep going up and down. We had the heat on last night! Definitely weird.
The weather is hotter than 7 hells here. Don't get me wrong, that's normal though.

As far as earthquakes - those scare me. Tornados and hail don't frighten me near as much as earthquakes.
Autumn's Mom said…
global warming.
Scout said…
I hesitate to say it's weird as if to say it's weirder than usual this time of year. I am always scolding Christian friends who think we have an overabundance of natural disasters, so it must be the end times. The fact is we have the same number of earthquakes we normally have and the same number of tornadoes and hurricanes. they just get more attention than they used to.
J said…
I suspect that Scout is right about this. It's like the summer of 2001, I remember hearing about shark attacks, tons of stories about shark attacks, and yet, there weren't any more shark attacks that summer than any other. They just made it into the news. Until Sept. 11, then, of course, the shark stories stopped.
Nance said…
I'm freezing where I live (NE Ohio). We can't get any warmth here. If it gets past 63, we consider it a heat wave. The weather just isn't right. We're way below normal for this time of year, and we were way above in October. My heat's been on FOREVER.
Beenzzz said…
Weather patterns are definitely changing!!!
Maternal Mirth said…
I give up on the weather ... it looks like it's planning on ruining my long weekend. And I have 4 house guests and 3 kids. All. IN. Side.
Ted said…
Last week, it was 103, and today's high is about 65 -- with a chance of rain. So yeah, it's weird.

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