Friday Poll

Do you consider yourself to be a Type A or a Type B personality?


Chris said…
Is there a "triple" A? That's what I am! True story. ;)
Piece of Work said…
What is Type B? I'm no type A but I'm not ready to commit to type b either.
Autumn's Mom said…
I hate labels
Hope said…
"Eh" :)
maddie said…
type a
Maternal Mirth said…
I am a type Q ... cuz really, I am a little 'off-center'.
J said…
I'm mostly A, but I HOPE there's enough B in there tempering things that I don't drive people totally batty. I suspect I drive Ted and Maya a little batty.
dgm said…
I'm a hybrid. I'm pretty laid back but not afraid of confrontation when it's warranted. Definitely more assertive than passive. And I have my little OCDs. However, I'm definitely not punctual or rigid and controlling about things.

And you?
Sunshine said…
Utterly and incredibly A
chichimama said…
I have a feeling I am an A who likes to think she is a B...
chichimama said…
Yep. Just took one of those personality test things, I was a very high scoring A :-).
Nance said…
crap. i forget which is which; does that make me one or the other automatically?
Mrs. G. said…
Type B leaning toward C-I could use some A.
Gina said…
Type B, but with annoying perfectionist tendencies.
dr sardonicus said…
I think I'm a Type Z...
I'm a 'wanna-be-A'

Beenzzz said…
I try to pretend that I am a type B, but I'm not fooling anyone.
Scout said…
I thought there were four, and I always thought I was kind of a D. I'm certainly no A.
Heidi said…
I think of myself as a B, but when I took the test I missed being one by one qestion, for some reason it bothers me when people pick thier nose.
Steph said…
I would say a B, with some A-tendencies.

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