I have failed.

I have failed in my obligation as a parent.

I can't go into the details here, but just know that I have yet again naively given someone the benefit of the doubt. That is one of my biggest failings as a person. Some people would possibly see that as a positive character trait, but trust me, it isn't. I can't tell you the number of times I have been screwed over by people that I have trusted to do the right thing.

And now, now my son has been screwed over. And although I am not completely to blame, I accept a large part.

There have been some ongoing problems with Mr. P and his classmates at school, and I assumed they were being handled. They weren't. I can't get into specifics, partly beause I am tired, and partly because I am too angry to detail them right now.

I have a meeting with his teacher after school tomorrow, and I am completely livid. Oh for sure I will go in there and speak politely, but there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that I am pissed. I am generally a pleasant person, but when you mess with me or my kid, then watch the hell out. I don't care that you are Christian and that this is supposedly a religious school. That will not keep me from breaking out my can of whup-ass and withdrawing my son from the school for the remainder of the year.

I truly believe I will be dealing with the fallout from what has happened at this school for quite a while.

It took me far too long to piece together what has been going on, and for that, I have failed.

My son, I am so, so very sorry.


Your post breaks my heart.

Big hugs to you.
boogiemum said…
I am sorry you are going through this. Sending hugs and good things your way...
Anvilcloud said…
A hug from up north.
Steph said…
I am so sorry. Another hug for you.
chichimama said…
Hugs. And more hugs. And lots of support from afar...
Awesome Mom said…
A big time bummer! You go and get 'em and I hope that Mr P quickly gets over this.
For the Love... said…
Aw man...

MonkeyBoy got a spanking in 1st grade for staring out the window. Rob and I let the teacher and the principal have it but it was not enough. He began having headaches and developed welts...a stress reaction to that wench. I had to pull him out of her class and fight with the school to give him another teacher...

I still feel guilt over not moving him out sooner...

You are fighting for him and I have no doubt that you were all along. Try to let go and move thoughts are with you.
Liz said…
It sounds like a tough situation. Good luck.
Quiskaeya said…
(((hugs))) you were trying to do the best you could. We all fail as parents sometimes. It's painful when our babies have to suffer because of it. Do what you've got to do for yours girl and have your son's back (which I'm confident you have)!!!
Autumn's Mom said…
I'm so sorry G. I hate when this shit happens. Give em hell.
Maternal Mirth said…
Oh, Gina dear ... my heart is breaking for you. And, if you need some back-up whoop-ass ... I am good for it. Better than I look.

In the meantime, I will spare the whoop and send out the hugs to you and Mr. P :)

Hang in there, gorgeous.
Heather Plett said…
Sounds frustrating. Sorry.
J said…
It may help you a little bit to report them to whatever governing authority there is. When Maya was barely 2, we had her in a day care where they weren't doing things correctly, and after a few warnings, we pulled her. It made me feel better to report them to the state licensing board. Who investigated them, and found NO other incidents like mine. So I don't know if they were just failing Maya, or no other parents cared enough to notice such things. But it made me feel (a tiny bit) better to know that my complaint was on their record.

I hope you're wrong, and the repercussions for Mr. P are short lived. Kids are often more resilient than we think.
Piece of Work said…
What a terrible feeling as a parent. I'm so sorry. But J is right, kids are resilient, and I truly hope Mr. P bounces back quickly.

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