Prom Music Monday

Yes my friends, it is that time of the year yet again. The gorgeous and phenomenal Sunshine is hosting a blog prom! And she's my date!

This year she wanted a wrist corsage, and a wrist corsage she shall have. Uhhh, well, I've never really picked out a wrist corsage for a date, so I declare it shall have some pink flowers on it and be purty! Can you tell I am excited simply by the sheer number of exclamation points I am using?!

Anyhoo, go on over and check out the party that is happening all week long! Grab a date of your own, or be a slut and troll around and try to find one there. Aaaand, Sunshine happens to possess the only picture of me floating around on the internets that I know of. It was my prom pic from way back in the late eighties, and let's see if she posts it again this year.

In keeping with the prom theme, I present to you the theme song from my prom back in 1989, "Hold On to the Night" by Richard Marx. I'm sorry to have to subject you to the horrible video, which happens to be of footage from the movie Alexander (because, you know, that song and movie go together so seamlessly) but it was the best of the bunch.

And though I think that song was sort of pretty and appropriate for a prom theme, this song was a bit more my style that year:

Is she da bomb or what? I still own the CD!


captain corky said…
I sure hope we get a chance to hook up this year. I'm looking forward to it. ;)
Unknown said…
I LOVE that idea! Especially that I can finally have a date that doesn't stare down my dress the entire evening....
Nenah Cherry!!!!

Heidi :)
dgm said…
Sadly, "Hold on to the Night" is one of those songs on the soundtrack of my life, so I just had to listen to it. (I think it actually came out around '88 though, right?) Takes me back, man.

What the hell with that video?
Sunshine said…
Hold on to the Nights is high on my life soundtrack....MANY tears, SO MUCH EMOTION!!!! I was the standard issue whacked out teenage girl and this song fed my sappy side perfectly.

You have my permission, as my date, to snog Corky in a corner if you want to. He needs some TLC.
Suzanne said…
I love that Nenah Cherry song. I will try to prevent Richard Marxx from worming his way into my head...
Maternal Mirth said…
Gi-gi-gigolo! Gi-gi-giolo!

Hee hee ... :)
Scout said…
ARRGH, I went to the prom only once, and it was a terrible experience. My date had a girl friend, but she was too young to go. So I was the fill in. Very awkward. I shiver at the idea of reliving it.
dr sardonicus said…
Richard Marx is even more horrible than "Chariots Of Fire". But Neneh Cherry saves you. For now.
J said…
"We're sorry, but that video is no longer available."

No Neneh for me.

Do you put out at prom?

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