Not So Fabulous After All

Just the other day while waiting for our kids to be dismissed from school, some of us moms started talking about sleep. Or more like how they can't get their children to partake willingly of said activity.

Not trying to pat myself on the back too hard, I spoke aloud about how Mr. P is a fabulous sleeper. Never fights to go to bed, sleeps all night, wakes up at a pretty decent hour.

I should have known that to speak of such things is to instantly curse yourself.

Because lo and behold, last night marked the fourth night in a row that Mr. P woke up at some sort of ungodly hour. The first night it was to make a visit to the restroom at 4am, where he proceeded to sit on the toilet for twenty minutes. Granted it was an, er, productive session, but still.

The next night 4am again, this time with no real reason. The next night more of the same. Then last night he progressed to waking up 2am, which is a twisted definition of progress, but I'm grasping at straws here, my friends.

I asked him this morning why he was having such problems staying asleep. He replied that he gets hot under the covers.

So tonight?

Light pajamas and the fan blowing right on him.

Let's see what happens, shall we?

But if this doesn't resolve itself soon, I may have to take some drastic measures. I don't know exactly what they will entail at this moment, but dammit, they will be drastic.

And trust me, if anyone ever asks me again if Mr. P is a good sleeper, I am keeping my freaking mouth shut.


Murphy's Law...never fails. I hope there's another conversation about sleep patterns real soon, so you can complain loudly about what a bad sleeper Mr. P is. That should bring everything right back to normal.

In the sympathies!

Steph said…
Definitely Murphy's Law at work. Hope that the cosmos gets things back aligned for proper sleep habits soon! You have my sympathies, as well...
Suzanne said…
I hope that your voodoo magic undoes itself and that Mr P resumes his normal sleep patterns!
Sunshine said…
It's the fan. He thinks you're trying to kill him with it. You know what I mean, MURDERER.
Anvilcloud said…
It always seems to come back to bite you, doesn't it?
Awesome Mom said…
Yeah I have had that happen more times than I can count. Good luck with the sleeping.
Autumn's Mom said…
haha why does this always happen. Must remember to keep mouth SHUT! I hope tonight he sleeps right through..and that you are not up at 4 AM waiting for him to wake up.
Scout said…
Kind of like saying, "could be worse. could be raining."
Atasha said…
That ALYWAYS happens. I was very proud to announce to all that my both kids were sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old. I know I am in for it with this one. I just know it.

Hopefully he sleeps straight through the night tonight. We have the fan going also. None of us can sleep without a fan regardless of how cold it is. Good Luck
Heidi said…
Now you can say he is a horrible sleeper and he can prove you wrong again. Good luck. T, who is 4, has always been a poor sleeper. He doesn't acually awaken at night just yells or talks or fall out of bed...
Nance said…
I just want to thank you most vehemently for spelling "lo" correctly. It's pathetic, but that is what we English teachers and writers deem important: too many of these lovely little old sayings are just bastardized not only in usage (such as saying "intensive purposes" when it should be "intents and purposes") but in writing.

So, thank you.
Quiskaeya said…
The hubster says I'm always jinxing myself because I won't keep my brags to myself. Bawhaaaaa!
Quiskaeya said…
p.s. I hope he's sleeping better for both of your sake.

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