Friday Poll

All right, do you eat birthday cake with or without ice cream?


Awesome Mom said…
It depends.
Liz said…
Neither. I don't eat birthday cake, especially if it's had candles on it. Gross. I don't care for ice cream.
captain corky said…
I don't do icecream. Wine and more wine...
dgm said…
I think ice cream is overrated. Cake alone, corner piece, preferably the one with the flower.
Jess T said…
Ice cream only, no cake
junebug67 said…
Cake only, if add ice cream you just get mushy, cold cake - yuck!
Autumn's Mom said…
without. I don't like mushy cake either.
Maternal Mirth said…
I only do cheesecake for my birthdays. As for everyone else's, I guess I do both.
Nance said…
Without. I'm an ice cream snob, and usually the ice cream at birthday parties is cheapo stuff. asked.
Laura said…
Jess T, that's funny because my daughter never eats the cake either. Just the ice cream. I will, sometimes, eat the cake.
J said…
I'm with nance on the ice cream being crap. But usually I skip both, because I prefer good ice cream, and I'm not much of a cake person. I'll go with the person who said, no cake, just wine. ;)

But if it's my birthday, then ice cream only, and good stuff.
Anvilcloud said…
Anyway I can. With. Without. Both. Either.
Usually without. Depends on the cake. Happy weekend, Gina! :)

chichimama said…
Without, ice cream and cake are two separate events.
Hope said…
Don't do the typical b day cake, hate the sickly over sweet icing.
... Paige said…
I prefer it without.
Ted said…
My first slice is without ice cream. My second slice is sometime with, so I can't give you a straight answer.
Ortizzle said…
What birthday cake? Bring on the ice cream!
Sunshine said…
Depends on what kind of cake and what kind of ice cream is being offered.
Kiki said…
Yes, please! Ooh, I'm so happy I linky-pooed on over on ice cream and cake day!

Both...definitely both. But I don't like it when they touch each other.

Scout said…
I prefer it without ice cream unless the ice cream is served in a separate dish. I hate with it melts into the crumbs.
maddie said…
totally depends on what kind of cake and ice cream. i'm not into a lot of frosting, so sometimes i'll just eat the ice cream...
Cake and ice cream, for sure. Make the caloric count an even 1000.
Steph said…
Without. Preferably a corner piece with lots of icing!!
Heidi said…
Mostly just cake, sometimes with ice cream.

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