Friday Poll

I've been watching a lot of "What Not to Wear" now that I have satellite.

So, is your wardrobe fab or in need of some help?


Awesome Mom said…
I need major and massive help.
Could use help...but not necessarily on national TV :)

Steph said…
I could use some help, too :)
Anonymous said…
In serious need of help. Oy.
Sunshine said…
Dude, why did you not tell me you finally got satellite?

I'm sending you SUCH a long list of stuff, uh, you DID get DVR, right? It's $5 a month, you can do it.

Also, a college friend of mine was in the 2nd or 3rd episode EVER of What Not to Wear. Opera singer in New York...she said it was awesome.
Autumn's Mom said…
In need of help but not nearly as desperate as some of those peeps. These days I think I'd rather be on the biggest loser. We should all discuss one day what favorite TV show we'd like to be on :)
Liz said…
In need of help but I don't care. I don't have the money anyway.
J said…
I need help, but it's mainly because I can't afford to spend $5,000 on a wardrobe and then $700 more to have Nick cut my hair. A girl can dream, though, right? I've gotten some good ideas from that show. You should have seen it the first season. Instead of Clinton, there was another designer, a guy with really long straggly hair who dressed like a bum. I always thought, "You look like CRAP, who are you to tell people they need help?" I wonder if that's why they got rid of him.
dgm said…
I'm fairly pleased with my work and play wardrobes, although I am sure Stacey and Clinton would throw out all my flipflops and t-shirts. Sometimes I think they just don't understand that not everyone lives in the city and wears heels with linen shorts. Their idea of casual clothing can be ridiculous and way overdressed compared to what is appropriate in a given community like mine, where there is barely a restaurant in which you can't wear the flip flops.
Scout said…
I actually like most of my clothes and think I look pretty snappy, but I'm pretty sure those two on What Not to Wear would throw it all away.
Hope said…
The first time I watched it my daughter looked at me and said... if it's ever in canada, I'm nominating you. I stopped wearing pajama pants in public shortly after that.
Ted said…
I'm 43. Male. Balding. I'm beyond help.
Ugh. I've just had a baby and NONE of my clothes fit, of course I need help.
Mine would be awesome if it wasn't for someone coming and shrinking all of them. Bloody ninjas, now hand me that donut...
Ortizzle said…
I love that show. I also live in mortal fear of my students turning me in for my God-awful school uniform of top, pants, and jacket. Just can't be bothered with skirts and dresses in the classroom.
dr sardonicus said…
What's a wardrobe???
Laura said…
I guess, these days, my wardrobe just is. If it fits, the odds are good that I wear it.
Quiskaeya said…
I'm thinking of sending the hubster to that show.

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