And We Have Yet Another One

Now that I have that miraculous satellite delivering me all sorts of goodies on the telly. (except for the p*rn on Cinemax. I stumbled across that crap one night, not knowing it was there, and was immediately struck at how stupid everyone looks and that it is SO for men, not women. I could explain, but my topic is supposed to be about something else today.) Urgh, ok, where was I again?

Oh yes, lots of television stations.

I happen to get the Travel Channel which means I get to see this man on "No Reservations."

I have no idea, really, why I find him so attractive, but I do. Maybe it is because he is a total smart-ass. He is also intelligent and funny, a combination I find irresistible in almost any man. He also writes ten times better than I do, which is annoying, but I will be nice and overlook that tiny fault.

For some reason many people seem not to like him, and I'm not sure why. Is it because of his brash New York-ish sense of the world? New Yorkers are what they are, there is no use in wishing they were different. You just have to learn how to live with it.

I totally dig his narration, which always tries to weave some sort of thread of deeper meaning into his travels. It doesn't always work perfectly, but a lot of the time it does. I am impressed that he writes all the narratives himself. He seems to be a rather deep thinker, and I like that too.

Yeah, yeah, I know he's got a wife and a new baby girl.

He's still a new addition to my List.


I've heard/seen/read him. But I'm liking the sound of hiim :)

captain corky said…
Cinemax porn is the lamest. Now Showtime porn on the other hand...
Laura said…
We don't have the directv whole package and it irritates the crap out of me that I can see what's on the channels we don't have. I would always rather be watching that. I guess it proves you always want what you can't have.
Scout said…
I LOVE Anthony Bourdain. I have been a big fan since reading Kitchen Confidential. You'll have to get in line, I think, because there is one of women who find the rogue irresistible. It runs way down the street.
Jess T said…
He is quite cute! :) He eats some really bizarre crap on that show. Ick!
Anvilcloud said…
Admit it. You're list is now twelve pages long ... and your writing is tiny too. lol
Beenzzz said…
Aha! So, you dig Anthony Bourdain. Cool! He's very entertaining to me. I really liked his travels through India. I watch him every now and then. Yes, he is a smart ass. This is a quality I too enjoy. To me, having such wit is proof of intelligence.
Awesome Mom said…
Lol! Now I know why you have a lot less blogging time.
Autumn's Mom said…
haha Used to watch No Reservations with the EX. I feel like HE got Anthony as a part of our divorce cuz I haven't watched him since. I found him annoying at first, but he grew on me. He is pretty good to look at..but a little too skinny.
Atasha said…
I know what you mean about that Cinemax mess. And that's what it is a total mess. I accidentally tuned in a few weeks ago for a few minutes and couldn't believe how lame it was. It's all breasts and ass. I found it so silly, it was funny and I wondered who actually sat and watched this nonsense.

Okay well I am unfamiliar with guy you speak of but he sounds interesting by your description.
Nance said…
Aaaah, Skinemax. I remember that from my early days of Newlywed Apartment Cable. Then I had to budget and we sort of "grew up." LOL.

As far as Bourdain, he's interesting and adventuresome, but after a while, his writing/narration grates on me. He's too aware of himself as a writer. Very omnipresent in style. It gets in the way for me.
Mrs. G. said…
I like him. A lot. His book-Kitchen Confidential- is great!
Quiskaeya said…
I've always meant to watch that show and managed to miss it. Something about him reminds me of Mike Rowe from "The Dirtiest Jobs". I don't know why, but Mike is crazy funny! And ain't bad looking either, although right now my mind is on Gerard Butler. You'd have to see my last post to understand why. Okay, enough fantasies...the baby calleth.
J said…
I'm with Nance. I loved Tony at first, but then it all turned into him getting drunk and eating weird stuff and wondering where he was going to wake up...but I might need to revisit him, because I haven't seen this particular show, and it's been long enough that I might find his humor irrisitable again.
Ted said…
I've heard Anthony Bourdain on the radio a few times and he comes across as a guy who really doesn't like the restaurant business ... or food, really. But I haven't seen this new show, so I can't say if he's changed his tune or not. I'm just going by a couple of one hour interviews he's done on local stations.
... Paige said…
We watch him somethimes. He seems to drink alot and ate a wild animal's bum.
the actual exit part.
Sunshine said…
I love Tony! And every single show he has done, and his books, and his smartass attitude. He rocks, and yeah, I think he has his own special brand of sex appeal, so I get it.
Porn is made by men for men. Its all about male fantasy and little to do with what women really want. I gave up looking for quality female-friendly porn years ago.

But am open to suggestions : )
Steph said…
I hadn't heard of him before reading your post and then the very next morning saw someone at the airport with his Kitchen Confidential book. Might have to check that out...
Heidi said…
We all love that show in our house. I'm not getting the sex appeal though.
Maternal Mirth said…
I have this thing for Curtis Stone (Take Home Chef). I think it's because I used to date a New Zealander. It's the accent.

As for the Cinemax porn, we don't need it in our 'hood ... people leave their blinds open WAY too much! Yikes, huh?

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