Yeah, Uh, Thanks...

You know that economic times are getting tough when restaurants only serve you a tiny scoop of ice cream and with dribble of chocolate sauce for your birthday. I mean, it wasn't even hot fudge, it was chocolate sauce. And yes, there is a HUGE difference.

Actually, what we got yesterday wouldn't even qualify as a scoop. It was a "sundae" served in one of those teeny little apertif glasses. So you figure about five spoonfuls and half the cup being filled with whipped cream.

This is after our meal that was over fifteen apiece, so it wasn't like we ordered something like an appetizer and then demanded our birthday dessert. I think for spending thirty plus bucks, I should get a real sundae.

Because nothing says "we appreciate you as a customer" like shafting them on their birthday.

Thanks George W, I blame you for this too.

Actually, I think I am just going to blame everything on Dubya. It will make my life ever so much easier.

Yours too!

Do you have a flat tire? Blame George for loosening auto safety standards! Even if he didn't, although he probably did!

Your kid get a bad grade on their test? Totally Dubya's fault for implementing NCLB and not funding it, which has made class time a total bore with all the teaching to the test! Damn that George for taking all the joy out of going to school!

You put that red shirt in with the lights? Blame George for distracting you with the thoughts of the war in Iraq and the crappy economy!

See how easy it is? Come on and join the fun!


boogiemum said…
You crack me up.
Liz said…
Happy Birthday!
Jess T said…
Wait! There is one good thing he did...he turned me into a democrat! Finally, life is so much clearer.
Steph said…
This is great! I am totally on board!! And, happy birthday! Sorry that Dubya shafted you on your dessert!!! :)
Heather Plett said…
Is this your round-about way of telling us it's your birthday? If so, happy birthday!

Do you think the "blame Dubya" thing works up here in Canada too? 'Cause I'm in!
Gina said…
It's not my birthday until next week, but Mr. P spent the weekend with his grandparents, so we actually got a chance to go to a nice dinner!
Autumn's Mom said…
Happy Early Birthday. Come on down. I'll take you to Cherry's house where she makes the most AMAZING toppings there ever were. For games, we can get some crappy hershey's syrup and takes turns squirting it at a picture of ol Dubya. What you think?
Autumn's Mom said…
Toppings for Sundae's I mean. Hello brain, wake up!
Laura said…
It is waaaaaayyyy better than the other side blaming the "Clenis" for everything, isn't it? :)
Maternal Mirth said…
I blame him for my acne and hair-loss. Too much funding for Viagra research and not enough for birth control ... selfish, impotant man.

Anyway, Happy Early B-day!!!
dr sardonicus said…
Dubya... the gift that keeps on giving...
Heidi said…
LOL! That really does sound like a crappy dessert! It's totally Dubya's fault. I blame him for everthing too.
Sunshine said…
It's still way too cold out.
Dubya's fault.
Quiskaeya said…
ROFLMAO! Girl you are a mess! Happy Birthday Ms. Lady!!! I hope you enjoyed your special day regardless of being shafted on your sundae! lol
Nance said…
I'm freezing my ass off in March in NE Ohio. Thanks to The Angel of Death and his republican buddies, environmental regulation has caused so much climate change that now, it's 80 in November and 30 in March. The weather sucks, my heating bill is sky high, and this week is mandated federal testing for my sophomores. UNFUNDED, of course. I'm exhausted.

Thanks, republicans and idiots who voted for this Eight Year Hostage Crisis. But today was PRIMARY DAY in Ohio, and I VOTED YOUR BUTTS OUT.

Am I bitter? Much.
Nance said…
sigh, I should amend my comment to read "LACK OF SUFFICIENT environmental regulations"

...gets me so irked...
Unknown said…
I guess it is easier to blame Dubya than others. I.e. the fact we just got snowed out of a fantastic 3-bedroom cabin in the mountains? I would to blame The Big Man himself....
captain corky said…
Pot is still illegal and Gum costs like a 1.17 a pack... Fuck You, Dubya.
Cherry said…
Happy Early Birthday!
Don't grandparent's rock?
Sorry Dubya f'd up your birthday sundae! Like Dot said... come on up, I'll make you a real one, with Hot Fudge and everything!
Happy Birthday!!!
karla said…
Happy Early Birthday Gina. I just realized that a whole wack of my RSS feeds crapped out on me (yours included). I was wondering why the blogs seemed extra quiet these days.
J said…
There's totally a difference between chocolate sauce and hot fudge. I used to LOVE hot fudge, and now I prefer chocolate sauce. I know, that's wrong of me. Sigh. I blame dubya, because clearly the hot fudge folks are skimping or something, due to NAFTA. Wait, that was Bush Sr. & Clinton. Never mind.

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