Send. Help.

For the umpteenth time since September, we are all sick.

Stringing together coherent thoughts is an exercise more difficult than usual.

Although I was thinking that today on the other blog, someone commented (in a nice way, though, if that's possible) that a sentence I wrote was "inflammatory."

I mean, it was the truth, but of course it was inflammatory.

Because a blog is not a newspaper. A blog has no code of ethics which require it to be even-handed and fair in coverage.

A blog is there to be entertaining, to be opinionated, to be inflammatory, if you will.

To me, as long as I am telling what I in good faith believe to be the truth, I am good.

And hell, most of the time newspapers don't do that either anymore.


Laura said…
In the words of Steven Colbert, "Facts are overrated..." Go with your gut, I always say.
Steph said…
Ugh, sorry to hear you're all sick again. In our house, since I don't know when, at least one of us has been sick. Not. Fun. Feel better soon!
Anvilcloud said…
I've got the sniffles this morning after not knowing which way it was going to go for the past few days with tiredness, headaches etc. Hopefully, this won't get too bad, and, hopefully, you'll also all be better soon.
captain corky said…
Sick and tired of bring sick and tired. Feel better. Most of the time the news is just bullshit.
Sunshine said…
I think the amount of times you've been sick is inflammatory, dude.
Hope said…
So, always wanting to jump into controversey, I just had to pop over and see the crap you stirred up. Inflamatory is a really strong word... in fact last week it was the byline in our newspaper..... that courts ruled homeschooling illegal.
We have a strong homeschooling system here, I know a number of people who homeschool, with an established curriculum, strong support. The families i know who chose this option seem to be able to provide a well balanced, poitive education for their children. The thing is with a good system in place, adequate mointering, home schooling is a very good option for some families.
Sorry you are sick,.... AGAIN!!!!!!!
J said…
Man, you've been slammed this year, huh? Hope you feel better soon. And regaring the blog? Give em hell. ;)
dgm said…
Some of my most strongly held beliefs are inflammatory except within a very small circle of people. Most of the time it's over really stupid stuff, like how we don't lie to our kids about Santa. People get their panties bunched over the most ridiculous things. What's a girl to do?

Remember--sleep, neti pot, zinc. I'm going to keep harassing you about this.
Cherry said…
BLECH Sick Again?!

So I noted that "inflammatory" comment, and I actually went back to re-read because I didn't think anything you wrote was particularly inflammatory. I thought the whole situation was inflammatory.

But I thank you (or uh, Glinda) for posting it, because I hadn't heard about it and it PISSED ME OFF, and I don't even have kids which I would homeschool.
Nance said…
Way to drum up hits on the other blog, girl! LOL.
maddie said…
seriously? bigred needs to check herself. you said nothing inflamatory, in fact, you even linked to the article to prove where you got your facts. i heard about this the other day on the radio and had the same reaction as you. bigred needs to take a chill pill and calm donwn.
well, crap. I haven't been to the other digs lately. I will go and try and see. I've just been busy and I am sorry.
chichimama said…
I am so sorry that you are all sick again...ulgh.

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