It's A Conspiracy, I Tell You

As if a cheapo sundae wasn't enough for me to feel like I was getting the shaft, I only just today realized what will happen on Sunday. The day of my birth, that glorious time when all should be sunshine and roses and all the earth should rejoice.

What is going to happen, Gina, you might well ask?

Well, I am going to lose a freaking hour of sleep, that's what.

Tell me again why my birthday shouldn't make me crabby?

Well, at least Hubba-hubba is going to take Mr. P to a birthday party for a girl in his class that day.

Because if I had to spend my birthday in a room full of screaming kids, I would know for sure that Somebody Up There was not happy with me.


Awesome Mom said…
Hooray for Hubba-hubba! I agree that another kid's birthday party is not a way that I would want to spend my birthday.
captain corky said…
It sucks that you're getting shafted out of an hour on your birthday. Thanks for nothing, Bush.
Steph said…
Definitely a conspiracy. Didn't daylight saving time always start (or is it end?) in April before? What a bummer. At least you got out of the kiddie party (yay for Hubba-hubba!).
Laura said…
I was not happy to hear about the "springing forward" thing this morning either. But, I'll be rejoicing over your birth this Sunday.
Liz said…
Think of it more as getting an extra hour of that sunshine (and maybe some roses too).
Autumn's Mom said…
Have you done something to piss off the gods?????? haha
dgm said…
Why can't we just fall back 23 hours?
Cherry said…
Will the injustice never end!?!?
Nance said…
...and you know, this was his doing as well. He just can't leave things alone.
Mrs. G. said…
Happy Birthday! Any day you get to skip a party of screaming kids is a good one. Nice hubs.
karla said…
That definetely blows to get the short end of the 24 hour stick on your birthday.
J said…
Hope you have a lovely birthday, all 23 hours of it. :)
chichimama said…
Happy belated birthday!

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