It's Gonna Be a Loooong Week...

Yes, Mr. P is on Easter break which means the entire week is stretching out before me.

Luckily Hubba-hubba was able to get Wednesday through Friday off, although don't ask about why he has to go into work tomorrow. No, we're just not going to talk about that.

But I was thinking that I live in one of the biggest cities in the world, and yet I tend to stay in my little corner of things.

We have world-class museums and attractions and so far, Mr. P has only seen a fraction of them. I mean, I've seen them many times prior to his earthly arrival, but I just haven't gotten around to exposing him to them.

Part of that is due to his propensity for carsickness, which makes traversing stop-and-go freeways and long distances even less appealing than normal.

The other part is that I hate to travel to a place and spend all the time and money just to find out that he is bored out of his mind. Because I can never really predict what he is going to like all the time. Or even worse, that I spent all this time and money and he will never remember it but for pictures.

I suppose that would land me in the category of bad mommy, wouldn't it?


Nance said…
no, probably 'smart mommy.' it's very disruptive to other museum patrons to have clearly bored children being dragged around by their mothers, strewing a path of juice boxes and goldfish crackers in their wake, all in the interest of culture-ing them or getting out of the house.

i swear, you'd think some of these parents never once thought of asking their children if they wanted to go. have they never heard of The Internet? could they not show them some stuff from these places online? holy crap. "back in my day", i would have loved to be able to preview places with my kids.

the 80s were The Modern Dark Ages. lol
Heidi said…
Your definately not a bad mommy. I live where stuff to do with the kids is hard to find. I would have to drive over an hour to get to a museum. But even if I lived in a city with much to do, I know I would prefer to just hang out an play at home mosyly. I have friends who are constantly taking their kids places, they always seem so busy, and their kids don't seem to have any down time. I've noticed also that their kids are sicker more of the time also.
Anvilcloud said…
There's lots of time for that sort of thing. Enjoy what the todays bring.
captain corky said…
No way are you a bad mommy. Just go the Mall. There's always fun to be had at the mall. ;)
Cherry said…
Not a bad mommy at all.
When I was little I remember begging to go to Dland but my parents wanted to make sure we remembered the trip and were able to ride the rides, so we waited, and waited. Sure I've been back many times since, but I remember that first trip very vividly.
Quiskaeya said…
You sound like me. This great sunshine state has so much to see and do and Lil Man has hardly experienced any of it. People really look at me weird when I tell them he's never been to Disney World. You would swear i beat the child daily with a switch. Ugh....
I often have the same thoughts...I do drag my boys to things, but honestly, I'm not sure they get all that much out of it. The cost-benefit equation does not work out favourably.


PS: And I SO hear you on the car sickness thing.
Steph said…
We live in an area with lots of museums, historical landmarks, cultural things, and our kids have barely seen any of them, too. Definitely not a bad mommy. I say it's better to wait to take them until it will actually mean something. Hope the week doesn't drag too much....
J said…
I know we've taken Maya to quite a few museums in our little neck of the woods, and you have to be prepared to leave if need be. So we always got our hand stamped, in case our leaving was just for fresh air and lunch, and we never went anywhere that it would bug us to leave for good if that's what was required. When Maya was Mr. P's age, that meant not too many museums. Mostly aquariums and things like that. :)
Laura said…
Hey, it's not in the bad mommy category. You can sit next to me. Sadly, most of my children's cultural experiences are obtained through field trips, which I DO go on but still... The district (without warning) decided to make my son's Spring Break next week. Thanks district. My daughter's is this week. Always nice to have two weeks of bored children without it even being summer yet.
dgm said…
How 'bout looking for the less obvious ways to amuse him? We just had friends visiting and did a couple of the museums (Cal Science Ctr., LA Natural History), which the kids loved, and then we went to CA Adventure even though I'm not a big fan of amusement parks. Most of that was exhausting. But the things the kids loved most were hanging out at the tidepools (great last week b/c the lows were really low due to the spring tide) and visiting the local reptile store and the local gem and mineral store. I kid you not, they were beside themselves with delight. And it was freee!
Scout said…
I can't imagine your ever fitting into the category of "bad mommy," Gina! No. 2 is on spring break this week, too, but she's 17 pushing 18, so the situation is a bit different. We're talking about graduation parties and senior trips and college.
Liz said…
We just got done with spring break here and we didn't do a darn thing. Of course, both my husband and I still had to work so we couldn't exactly go anywhere.
dmmgmfm said…
Not at all Gina. It makes you a wise mother.

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