Friday Poll

What was the last thing you were looking for and couldn't find?


Awesome Mom said…
Substitute Kitty which is one of the stuffed toys that I made for the boys. He has still not been found, but luckily Evan has not been too upset.
captain corky said…
I can't think of the last thing I lost and couldn't find, but when I was in grade school I once lost a Penguin action figure on my way home in the woods. I spent years searching the woods for it. I can be slightly obsessive sometimes...
Liz said…
Money in my bank account. Also, time to spend with my daughter while she's been home for spring break.
Ortizzle said…
A package of prosciutto. I distinctly remember buying 2 packages at the store because I didn't have time to wait in line for the really good stuff, and one package didn't have very much. I also remember taking the 2 packages out of the shopping bag along with several other items I had purchased to prepare appetizers. A few hours later, when dinner was under control and my guests were arriving, I went to open the packages and set the prosciutto out along with the other appetizers and there was only one package. I hunted high and low, turned the kitchen upside down, ransacked the fridge, looked in the empty shopping bags, looked in places it couldn't possibly be... but I never found that damn package of prosciutto. I would say the dog ate it, but I don't have a dog. I'll let you know if it ever turns up.
Autumn's Mom said…
My sanity
Nance said…
Still cannot find the bottle of organic merlot I am absolutely positive I bought at Frogpond Farm winery a few years ago. But, with two young men in the house, both of whom swear they didn't take it...well, you figure it out.
Scout said…
Oh so many things. I think the most recent would be my daughter's baby picture to send in for her senior yearbook. I had to settle for one from when she was two.
Bammy said…
my virginity.. i know i had it cause i have the box it came it... hmmmm....
Michael C said…
Dignity, definitely my dignity. I also think I dropped a piece of fish somewhere behind the oven, but I'm sure there will be an eventual stench that leads me right to it.

Great job at Sunshine's place today, btw. I go next week.
Beenzzz said…
My sanity???
Granny said…
My mind. I know it's around here somewhere.
Heidi said…
My marbles. But E said I could use hers.
My drugs. Then I couldn't remember if I really needed the drugs or if I just took them. Which is a pretty good indication that I probably already took them.
Laura said…
A recipe... :(
Quiskaeya said…
My keys!!! Always disappearing...
I think the have feet.
Steph said…
Most likely my cell phone. It's always hiding from me :)

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