Friday Poll

Do you think that clipping coupons is worth the effort, or a waste of time?


boogiemum said…
Definitely worth the time. Since I started clipping coupons, I have cut my grocery bill by $75 a week! I also get an average of almost $100 worth of things free every month.

If you know how to use coupons and match them with sales, then it is worth the 1/2 hr a week it takes to clip and organize, IMO.
We don't get a lot of coupons over here... but my husband and I do regularly use a price comparison website which tells us which supermarkets in the area have the best offers for the food we need. We check it before we go grocery shopping every week and save at least 10 pounds everytime.
Scout said…
For me, it's a waste of time because I rarely buy the things that are featured in coupons. I think coupons encourage people to buy over-processed crap and things they don't need anyway. I save money by skipping those aisles all together.
boogiemum said…
I just wanted to say, that I agree with Scout, that a lot of the coupons are for over-processed food. I don't buy any of that stuff. I make all my own bread, cleaners, etc for that same reason. However, things like tylenol, toothbrushes, flour, cheese, etc still can be cut back with coupons. There are even tons of organic foods with coupons.
Awesome Mom said…
For me they are a waste of time. I don't often find coupons for the products I use. I find that getting store brands is cheaper than a name brand with a coupon. The only coupon that I look forward to is one that is for a local craft store, I take it and use it at another closer craft store that accepts competitor's coupons.
Beenzzz said…
A waste of time! Most of the time the coupons offered aren't for things that I would usually buy.
Never ever use coupons. I think I should...but I don't. So I don't actually know if they are a waste of time.

Happy Friday, Gina!

Autumn's Mom said…
hmmm want to say worth it, but I don't take the time to do it. Merging into a bigger family though, I think I need to find some time to do it!
Heather Plett said…
I go back and forth on that one. Sometimes I'm diligent, and other times I can't be bothered.
Maternal Mirth said…
Both worth it (if you clip for the stuff you buy anyway) and a waste of time (if you can buy generic on an item you would purchase, most of the time it's cheaper than the brand name *with* the coupon) ... I know, at the moment, I am one penny-pinching woh-man!
Liz said…
I used to clip them but found that I didn't really buy most of the items in the coupons, or like Maternal Mirth, the generic or store brand was cheaper than the item in the coupon.

I don't get our local paper anymore so I don't really get coupons anymore.
Nance said…
We get double coupons here, so it's definitely worth it. I only clip for items I use anyway, and I look at it on a per item basis. If I save fify cents on a single item, to me that's pretty good. I'll pinch pennies wherever I can these days. Every little bit helps.
Cherry said…
Growing up we did some serious coupon shopping. But I swear we bought so much crap on those shopping trips! We'd leave with 2 baskets full of stuff, and my mom would save a bunch of money, but the carts were full of junk food (which I'm sure I happily ate). But still... lots of junk.

I shop at Trader Joes now, so no coupons for me. I occasionally go to the bigger supermarkets for certain products but I usually end up buying the store brand anyway.

For me, with just the two of us in the house, its a waste of time (besides we don't get the paper anyway). Perhaps that'll change when I'm dealing with diapers and baby food (you know, unless I use cloth and make the food).
Hope said…
Don't do coupons because that would take planning.
We have 15% off Tuesday the first Tues of each month at all our local stores so that's my big grocery shop day, we fill our freezer with local meat twice a year and our garden goes a long way in the summer.
Of course now that I have an unemployed husband I may change my lax grocery shopping ways and have hime clip coupons.
simplypink said…
I was once an obsessive crazy clipper. I left the store with miles of receipt tape because we had double and triple coupons. It was great. Now I'm short of time and misplace my coupons so I don't use them.
Mrs. G. said…
Waste of time.
dgm said…
For food items, ick no. Like Scout said, most of those coupons are for overprocessed food. For other goods, however, it would probably be more worth my while if, in addition to cutting them out, I actually remembered to use them at the store.
Heidi said…
Since I don't usually have any coupons to clip, I would say, no. I read the news on line or watch it on TV.
Ortizzle said…
It might be worth it if they ever offered anything I normally buy, but they don't. Or if they do, it's always in a store that overcharges. So, no, I just don't have the time to frig with that. And it drives me nuts when people bring their coupon pages to the checkout line without having them cut out and separated. Gaaaaahhh.
J said…
Whatever floats your boat. I don't clip, because there are rarely coupons for things I use. But I do buy things that are on sale using my Safeway card, which can save a lot of money. I saved $70 the other day, actually.
Quiskaeya said…
I've never been much into coupons. Maybe for a few select items, but it's rare. I find the ones offered in the grocery store are not for the brands I prefer or in the end don't really give big savings if you comparison shop.

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