Crikey! Friday Poll!

Let me just say that Mr. P is on Easter break, and things have been busy busy busy over here. Not to mention we were trying to watch all the episodes of Battlestar Galactica before the season 4 premiere next week. So up against all that, you guys lose. I love you, but there are only so many hours in the day.

And, not to mention I get harassed if I have the audacity to repeat a question. Dr. S, are you trying to tell me you haven't lost anything since the last time I asked? You know, I only do this 52 times a freakin' year...


With whom did you share your first kiss?


Awesome Mom said…
My husband then boyfriend. I was shockingly old but also so awkward around boys that it was not like I planned to marry the first guy I kissed or anything, that is just how it happened.
Cherry said…
I stole my first kiss when I was a wee four year old. It was at a swim meet and he was about to dive into the water when I ran up and laid one on him... caused him to fall in and get disqualified.

First shared kiss was with a boy I was in a play with. The play was Peter Pan, he was playing Michael and I was one of the lost boys (Peter was a girl, so why couldn't a girl be one of the boys!). We "went out" through the rehearsals, production and on through summer. Probably into the beginning of the school year too, but we went to different schools. Sigh! Long distance relationships just don't work when you're 11.
first kiss was a guy named David. I was on a family camping trip and had brought a friend. He was in the same situation. My friend went with his friend.

Liz said…
A very cute boy named Mark. We were in 5th grade and he pinned me down in my front yard. I remember being shocked at how soft his lips were.
dgm said…
Ooooh, I know, I know! It was Bobby Pearson (sigh), and he had dark brown eyes and longish blondish brown hair that came to curls at the ends. We were 'going together' for a while in 5th grade, and then someone told me he told her that he wanted to kiss me, which kinda made me mad (but I think that was my coping mechanism for when I was scared). He'd walk me home from school every day and then turn to me and look me in the eye, and I'd run quickly to my front door.

Then one dark and stormy night my friend Rose was having a boy/girl party, and the lights were out downstairs in the den while the music played, and he got me. Instead of being grossed out, oooh la la! I liked it very much.

Ah, Bobby Pearson ...
Nance said…
A freckle-faced boy in sixth grade named Bobby. It was very exciting and swift.
Autumn's Mom said…
How meaningless my first kiss was that I can't even remember the boys name! I think I'm blocking it!
junebug67 said…
It was the summer I turned 13 and it happened at camp. We were sitting in his family's station wagon listing to the radio when it happened. I think "Endless Love" was playing at the time. His name was Brad and I had a huge crush on him!
J said…
Some guy named Mike that I dated for awhile in 8th grade.

Did you finish getting caught up with BSG? If not, Py has an awesome 8 minute recap on his blog. :)
Scout said…
Ahh, his name was Keith. He was a drummer and had long shaggy but clean hair. He was three years my senior, and when I found myself sitting by him on the back of the band bus, I was overjoyed. Sigh.
dr sardonicus said…
My first job was at the local dragstrip, and my first kiss was with the hot little girl who worked in the concession stand with me. A couple of weeks later she took me to a spot undeneath the stands where I would lose my virginity to her.

Dr. S, are you trying to tell me you haven't lost anything since the last time I asked?

I don't want to talk about it...
Ortizzle said…
Blind date. Junior Prom. A guy with braces just like me, and we definitely should have left it at a handshake.
boogiemum said…
In 7th grade, Sean Reynolds watching Bird on a Wire. Freaked me out in the beginning to tell the truth.
Pendullum said…
Joey Simardone...
He was in grade twelve,I was in grade nine...
He was a good kisser...
I was over at a girlfriend's house and she had a dental reminder card on the table...
My ole boyfriend, my first kiss,is a dentist now...
My friend's dentist...
Doesn't seem 'right'.
6 years old, under a desk in my neighbourhood boy's room. It was really more of a peck, really, but in our minds, it counted. :)

Heidi said…
My first kiss was with Ricky Ricardi, yes that's his real name. We were in 6th grade and hid in his closet to kiss.
Ted said…
Ah, it was 8th grade... and we had this school dance where we could get "married" to someone. Anyway, I was able to get married to Heather Hansen and I was able to kiss her not only once, but twice! It was all very fast, but it was pretty thrilling.


Nothing happened after that. It was just a jr. high dance thing that lasted about as long as the dance did (2 hours).


Hope you get caught up on BSG. I can't wait for the new (and final) season to start.
Quiskaeya said…
OOOOuuuuuu Ms Gina! Look atcha just gettin' all up into folks biz! heehee ;) My first kiss was with a college sweetie I almost married.

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