Vacation Time! Sort of...

On Friday Mr. P and I are packing it up and going on vacation. Yes, we will be sitting in the car, with my parents, for six whole hours! Can you feel my excitment? Hubba-hubba doesn't get to go because he has a "training" for "work" that he is "required" to attend. Probably a golf tournament or something.

Actually, they always take his side in a fight, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

But anyhoo, I am stoked because I got Mr. P a new suitcase. It was marked down to $29.99 from $80.00! Who says I don't know a deal when I see one? Nobody, baby, that's who. His old one was so tiny, it didn't even fit a weekend's worth of clothing. This one, this one will grow with him into old age, if it doesn't fall apart first. It's pretty big. The only drawback to it is that we are going to have to wait seven years before he can lug it around himself.

And, have you been to these fabulous blogs lately? If not, go to them, because they have more talent than I have in my pinky finger. Ok, well, maybe my pinky finger and my thumb, I'm not completely useless.

Drink the Kool-Aid that is Mrs. G! You'll feel fine, I promise!

In the mood for some Aussie sass? She's got it for ya!

The one and only Jenny!

And Sunshine, whose blog is like a three-ring circus, but without the elephant poop! There might be clowns, though.

Oh, and you know how they say you aren't "big" on the internet until you have a hater? Well, I gots me one, and I gots me one good. I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.


Awesome Mom said…
Have a fun trip!
Steph said…
Have a great trip! I hope that Mr.P's carsickness doesn't act up and that you have a fabulous time!!
captain corky said…
Congrats and welcome to the big time kid. ;)
Ted said…
First off, have a wonderful vacay! And second: that's a nice fight over there at TM. I get my own haters over at Popdose, but considering that the posts that draw the most comments are the political ones, I can't complain.

Congrats, Gina! You're now somebody on the Internets. Of course, you've been a "somebody" to your readers here for a long time -- and they love you! :-)
Have an awesome time, Gina!

I love Mrs. G, too! :)

Autumn's Mom said…
I hope you have a relaxing vacation!
maddie said…
ooh! have a great time! you deserve to get away! :)
dr sardonicus said…
As haters go, that one was pretty mellow. Some of the places I hang out, they would have sent her home in a body bag.

Have fun on your trip!
Anonymous said…
I'm sassy??? I have never been called sassy before.... might have to look it up.

Knowing my luck it will be linked to P0rn. Everything about me is linked to it it seems!

(BTW I can't comment unless I put in my old blog addy. hmmmm.
new blog is
Liz said…
Well, I'm glad you still have time to visit SOME blogs.

Have a good trip.
Hope you have a great time...and interesting dispute over on your other blog.
Liz said…
All I'm saying is don't forget the fun in blogging that brought you to this point. I understand how hard it is. I too write for other blogs and some days it seems like that's all I do is research. Not trying to lay a guilt trip...ok, maybe I am. Just a little bit.
Maternal Mirth said…
Drive safe and hide the booze.

BTW - Thanks for Jenny ... I laughed so had I peed a little :)
Anonymous said…
YAY! Welcome to the big time. Know them by their enemies is very wise: yours is brittle, egotistic, and as dim as a psychic's mood lighting.
Hee. I'm totally blushing over here.

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